In preparation for the 26th Harbin Ice and Snow World, the project team held an English training session for volunteers at Heilongjiang International University on December 11, 2024. The session aimed to improve volunteers' language service skills, enhance the international appeal of Ice and Snow World, and promote the global influence of ice and snow culture.
此次培训由具有丰富跨文化交流经验的加拿大籍教师Lucy Qi主讲。课程围绕冰雪大世界的背景知识、实用英语对话、文化交流技巧及突发事件处理等关键主题,为志愿者量身打造了一系列高效实用的教学内容。通过情景模拟和案例分析,志愿者们在轻松愉悦的氛围中全面提升了服务能力和语言应用水平。
The training was led by Lucy Qi, a Canadian teacher with extensive experience in cross-cultural communication. Topics included Ice and Snow World's background, practical English dialogue, cultural interaction techniques, and emergency response. The course, tailored to volunteers' needs, incorporated practical exercises like role-play and case studies to boost their service and language skills in an engaging environment.
Lucy highlighted the importance of confidence and sincerity in cross-cultural communication with international tourists. Her accessible teaching style combined theory and practice, equipping volunteers with effective communication strategies and offering personalized advice during the Q&A session.
Volunteers shared that the training significantly improved their language skills and confidence in serving visitors. They aim to represent Ice and Snow World with greater professionalism and enthusiasm, adding an international touch to its charm.
This successful event demonstrated the Economics and Management Department's key role at Heilongjiang International University in fostering global talent and supporting regional development. The department will continue to drive innovation in the ice and snow tourism industry and China's cultural exchange efforts.