托福口语的后三道题是综合复述题,需要考生去总结题目给出的材料的。这几道题材料本身难度不算高,但是很多考生(可以说是大部分人)都常常说不完,特别是最后一道 task。
但,有没有想过,“说得快”本身是解决不了问题的,材料还是会讲不完,甚至还会有可能牺牲回答的清晰度和准确度。毕竟材料内容量是 2 - 3 分钟,而我们只有1分钟的时间回答,讲不完当然是正常的。
01 内容没有梳理
但如果仔细分析,会发现 “解释部分” 和 ”例子部分“ 很多信息的意思是一致的,比如:(主题:第一种方式) One way is when there are multiple eggs in the nest it’s important that all the eggs hatch at the same time. (解释) This is because some mothers leave the nest soon after the babies hatch. If babies hatch late, the mother would leave them behind. And these babies won’t survive. But by communicating to each other, unhatched animals help ensure that all the eggs hatch at the same time, so none get left behind. (例子) Ducks provide a good example, when one baby duck is ready to hatch, it communicates to the other ducks in the nest by making loud clicking noises, sort of saying “let’s get ready to hatch”. The other baby ducks in the nest respond with clicking noises of their own, spreading the message around. This way, all the baby ducks get the signal to hatch at the same time and they all leave the nest with the mother, swim after her into a pond, say. 只是部分描述比较具体(比如例子里面会说到底如何 communicate);或者会出现正反重复解释,比如 the mother would leave them behind(问题),the baby ducks communicate to hatch at the same time so they don't get left behind(解决方法)。这些类似的意思,如果全部都讲一遍,那时间肯定是不够的,而且内容还重复了。所以自己要有能够判断什么信息是需要复述,什么信息是可以省略又不影响整体意思的。有时候内容梳理了,但还是有说不完的情况,其中一个原因有可能是因为自己的用词用句比较冗杂,导致内容是精简的,但是时间给这些词句和衔接占去了,最后还是说不完。比如本来一句话可以讲完的内容(“because there is nowhere to practice”),用了两到三句话的篇幅(“because students want to practice and practice at night, but there is nowhere to practice”)。又比如类似的意思反复说("He doesn't like the smell of that spice, and so he don't don't like those dishes. And he wants to show normal and doesn't want to show he doesn't like the dishes"),初衷可能是为了想把一件事讲清楚,但没实现好,导致内容比较啰嗦。有时候讲不完,除了内容和用词表达外,很有可能确实和自己本身表达和组织的速度有关系,之前我们有分析过不少的高分同学回答的语速(参考过往推文:什么是口语高分的“好节奏”,“抄”一下托福口语28分同学的作业),如果1分钟的时间,确实讲的速度比较慢(比如 90 - 100 词/分钟),不管是因为需要思考怎么组织导致慢下来了,还是因为发音和表达的速度比较慢,那讲不完也是可能的。这时候可以集中练习下输出速度和语言组织。
Sun Sun
主授托福®口语,托福®听力,托福®阅读,雅思听力,雅思口语,GRE/GMAT阅读,SAT 文法。
(2024.01.27) 托福口语30,托福写作30,托福听力30, 托福阅读30
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