【11.1 截止】室内环境化学 - ESPI 专辑征稿

学术   科学   2024-10-29 10:50   英国  

英国皇家化学会旗下环境科学期刊 Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts (ESPI) 最新专题合辑-室内环境化学(Indoor Chemistry)现已开放投稿。
本专辑由 Rachel O’Brien 博士(美国密西根大学)和 Ellison Carter 博士(美国科罗拉多州立大学)担任客座编辑。


  • 室内气相化学气溶胶颗粒表面化学
  • 影响室内空气质量的建筑材料和工艺;
  • 人类活动
  • 野火烟雾污染物的室内外交换
  • 病毒病毒灭活
  • 跨尺度建模
    * 此列表并不详尽,我们也欢迎与此主题相关的其他研究领域。


Dr. Rachel O’Brien
University of Michigan, United States

The O’Brien research group focuses on the sources, composition, and fate of atmospheric organic material both indoors and outdoors. We measure organic aerosol composition, especially as a function of aerosol size, and we evaluate how aerosol particles will evolve in terms of their chemical and physical properties as they are transported in the air. We also study organic surface films that form when aerosol particles and gases deposit on different surfaces both indoors and outdoors. The overall goal of our research is a better understanding of the health impacts of the air we are breathing and the climate impacts of outdoor atmospheric aerosol particles.

Dr. Ellison Milne Carter
Colorado State UniversityUnited States

Dr. Ellison Carter joined the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department as an Assistant Professor in January 2017. She earned a BS in Biology and a BA in Spanish, in addition to a minor certification in Chemistry, from Indiana University. After working with forest and marine ecologists in Costa Rica, she went on to complete MS and PhD degrees in Civil Engineering (Environmental and Water Resources program) from the University of Texas at Austin, focusing on indoor air quality and interventions, particularly in low-income housing. Dr. Carter then moved to a postdoctoral position at the Institute on the Environment at the University of Minnesota, where she carried out field-based studies in China concerning air quality, climate, energy, and health. Her current research combines interests and expertise in air quality, exposure science, and chemistry and aims to answer questions relevant to energy policy and housing and transportation planning and their impacts on air pollution exposure and human health.

 开放投稿截至 2024 年 11 月 1 日    

如有任何问题,请联系 espi-rsc@rsc.org


A multidisciplinary journal for the environmental chemical sciences


Environ. Sci.: Process. Impacts

JCR 分区*Q1 化学-分析
Q2 环境科学
CiteScore 分9.5

Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 发表环境化学各领域(包括空气、水、土壤和沉积物等构成环境矩阵的要素)的高质量论文,特别是对人为造成的或天然存在的化学和微生物污染物的影响和环境宿命进行的研究,以及相关天然元素的循环过程以及相关的生物地球化学循环过程(例如碳循环、氮循环、富营养化、生物排放等)。该刊特别注重发表研究成果可被推广到其它体系中的重大贡献,尤其是对环境化学过程(例如化学或生物转化与输运)进行的表征研究,以及探究污染物对生态系统和人类健康的影响的工作。该刊也欢迎高影响力的现场研究,尤其是那些能确定发生基线或长期趋势、发现新的污染物或者可在分子水平上更好地认识环境体系的研究。此外,该刊也希望发表环境化学与可持续性主题交叉的论文,例如寿命循环评价、物质流分析、环境政策制定等。


  • Elsie Sunderland
    🇺🇸 哈佛大学

Associate editors

  • Hans Peter Arp
    🇳🇴 挪威土工所/挪威科技大学

  • Qian Liu (刘倩)
    🇨🇳 中国科学院生态环境研究中心

  • Jasquelin Peña
    🇺🇸 加州大学戴维斯分校

  • Matthew MacLeod
    🇸🇪 斯德哥尔摩大学

  • Paul Tratnyek
    🇺🇸 俄勒冈健康与科学大学

Editorial board members

  • Cora Young
    🇨🇦 约克大学

  • Katye Altieri
    🇿🇦 开普敦大学

  • Ludmilla Aristilde
    🇺🇸 美国西北大学

  • Amila de Silva
    🇨🇦 加拿大环境和气候变化部

  • Beate Escher
    🇩🇪 亥姆霍兹环境研究中心

  • Mingliang Fang (方明亮)
    🇨🇳 复旦大学

  • Delphine Farmer
    🇺🇸 科罗拉多州立大学

  • Weihua Song (宋卫华)
    🇨🇳 复旦大学

* 2023 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate, 2024)

 CiteScore 2023 by Elsevier



