
文摘   2024-08-21 11:01   美国  


Mental pain often comes from being too attached to an idea when a person or an event comes along to challenge it. This is especailly true when what is being pointed out to you involves a weakness on your part. This kind of mental pain is a clue that you are potentially wrong and that you need to think about the question in a quality way. To do this, first calm yourself down.

This can be difficult: You will probably feel your amygdala kicking in through a tightening in your head, tension in your body, or an emerging sense of annoyance, anger, or irritability. Note these feelings when they arise in you. By being aware of such signals of closed-mindedness, you can use them as cues to control your behavior and guide yourself toward open-mindedness. Doing this regularly will strengthen your ability to keep your “higher-level you” in control. The more you do it, the stronger you will become.

瑞·达利欧官方微信公众号: raydalio_

《每日原则》为瑞·达利欧(Ray Dalio) 原创,


瑞·达利欧 (Ray Dalio) 是世界顶级投资家,企业家,桥水基金创始人,畅销书《原则》作者。《原则》分享了帮助其有效达到目标的生活和工作原则,蝉联畅销榜首位。