
文摘   2024-10-21 11:00   美国  


When determining an acceptable rate of improvement for something, it is its level in relation to the rate of change that matters. I often see people lose sight of this. They say "it's getting better" without noticing how far below the bar it is and whether the rate of change will get it above the bar in an acceptable amount of time. If someone who has been getting grades of 30s and 40s on their tests raised their scores to 50s over the course of a few months it would be accurate to say that they are getting better, but they would still be woefully inadequate. Everything important in your life needs to be on a trajectory to be above the bar and headed toward excellent at an appropriate pace. 

瑞·达利欧官方微信公众号: raydalio_

《每日原则》为瑞·达利欧(Ray Dalio) 原创,


瑞·达利欧 (Ray Dalio) 是世界顶级投资家,企业家,桥水基金创始人,畅销书《原则》作者。《原则》分享了帮助其有效达到目标的生活和工作原则,蝉联畅销榜首位。