
文摘   2024-09-03 08:01   中国香港  

If your goal is to have people with different opinions work through their differences to try to get closer to what is true and what to do about it (open-minded debate), you will run your meeting differently than if its goal is to educate. Debating takes time, and that time increases exponentially depending on the number of people participating in the discussion, so you have to carefully choose the right people in the right numbers to suit the decision that needs to be made. In any discussion try to limit the participation to those whom you value most in light of your objectives. The worst way to pick people is based on whether their conclusions align with yours. Group-think (people not asserting independent views) and solo-think (people being unreceptive to the thoughts of others) are both dangerous.

瑞·达利欧官方微信公众号: raydalio_

《每日原则》为瑞·达利欧(Ray Dalio) 原创,


瑞·达利欧 (Ray Dalio) 是世界顶级投资家,企业家,桥水基金创始人,畅销书《原则》作者。《原则》分享了帮助其有效达到目标的生活和工作原则,蝉联畅销榜首位。