【IET|智能电网】9月30!IET Smart Grid专刊“区域智能电网规划运行和控制以实现最佳灵活性提取和利用”征稿中

文摘   教育   2024-09-11 08:03   芬兰  
    IET Smart Grid专刊最新专题“Planning, Operation, and Control of Regional Smart Grids for Optimal Flexibility Extraction and Utilization”征稿中。 

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    首先,这个虚拟集合的主要目的是通过关注用户侧的规划、操作和控制方面来推进智能电网技术领域。 其次,虚拟收藏还旨在探索管理智能电网的创新方法和方法。由于全球向可持续能源系统的转变,该主题当前引起人们的兴趣。 随着对可再生能源的依赖日益增加以及减少温室气体排放的需要,智能电网发挥着关键作用。 灵活性的有效提取和利用对于优化这些系统、确保电网稳定性和适应不断变化的能源格局至关重要。 此外,随着技术的不断发展,智能电网进步的机会变得越来越容易,这使得这成为研究人员、政策制定者和行业专业人士及时且相关的主题。



  1. Regional Smart Grid Assets Planning:
    1. Long-term and short-term planning for smart grid deployment under a concept such as smart buildings, local energy communities, microgrids, PED etc.
    2. Includes storage system and/or hybrid energy storage solutions planning and operation.
    3. Includes Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies and applications.
  2. Smart Assets management and control:
    1. Advanced control strategies for optimal and efficient operation eg. in terms of economic optimization
    2. Real-time monitoring and control of smart grid assets for better RES integration e.g. Battery management and optimization, smart appliances, and home energy
    3. management.
    4. EV charging infrastructure and management for flexibility extraction
    5. Demand side management and demand response schemes and strategies including demand flexibility modeling and optimization.
  3. Flexibility Management:
    1. Methods for quantifying and assessing flexibility coming from the user’s side.
    2. Flexibility markets and transactive energy systems.
  4. Case Studies and Demonstrations:
    1. Real-world implementations of flexible smart grid solutions.
    2. Lessons learned from pilot projects and demonstrations.
    3. Best practices and success stories in flexibility extraction.


【投稿方式及英文原版】 (阅读原文)


3:  【SCI专题征稿】能源系统智能规划运行和控制
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