讲座 | 3D前沿技术

文摘   2024-09-15 15:00   广东  


主持人:Prof. Hui Huang




Abstract 1

Research on 3D Digital Humans

The research area of Virtual Humans or Digital Humans has attracted a lot of attention over the last decades. The focus of all relevant topics are 3 closely related human factors: appearance, motions, and interactions. 

In this talk, representative works in these 3 subareas will be quickly reviewed, and I will also discuss in detail the works I have done before around human motions. These works are all about how to effectively and efficiently reconstruct 3D Human Motions and Shapes from various low-end modalities, like RGB/RGB-D videos and Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs). Then possible future directions will be discussed.

Bio 1

黄英豪博士现为大湾区大学信息科学技术学院的一名助理教授。在2022年底从德国马克斯普朗克研究所Michae Black所长指导下完成博士课题后,黄英豪博士在香港大学Taku Komura教授课题组做了为期一年的博士后研究员。


Abstract 2

3D Scene Creation and Editing

3D scene creation and editing lies at the heart of numerous applications today, spanning entertainment, virtual reality, gaming, simulations, and design. In essence, it is the process of constructing and modifying digital environments to resemble or abstract real or imagined worlds. This field combines several cutting-edge technologies such as computer vision, computational geometry, and artificial intelligence. 

The rapid evolution of 3D scene creation has unlocked powerful new methods for designing and interacting with complex virtual spaces. From photorealistic renderings to fully interactive environments, advances in software and hardware allow creators to seamlessly build detailed 3D models of objects and environments, and even populate them with dynamic elements like lighting, physics-based interactions, and animated characters. 

In this talk, we will explore the key processes and technologies driving 3D scene creation and editing, including: sparse-view reconstruction, single-panorama reconstruction, large-scene generation, lighting estimation, text-driven 3D editing, and 3D stylization. 

At the end of this talk, we will discuss the challenges and the trends of 3D topics.

Bio 2

王广聪是大湾区大学信息科学技术学院的助理教授,博士生导师。从2021年4月到2024年4月,王广聪担任南洋理工大学MMLab@NTU实验室博士后研究员,合作导师为Ziwei Liu教授和Chen Change (Cavan) Loy教授。2020年12月,获得中山大学的计算机学院博士学位,师从赖剑煌教授。目前,王广聪建立了大湾区大学视觉图形与交叉研究组(Vision, Graphics, and X Group,VGX)。 

研究兴趣是机器学习,深度学习,人工智能与科学技术。他发表多篇顶级期刊会议论文,包括TPAMI, TOG, TNNLS, TIP, TCSVT, ICCV, CVPR, ECCV, NeurIPS, KDD, AAAI。担任BMVC 2024区域主席(Area Chair). 目前是TPAMI, IJCV, SIGGRAPH, ICML, NeurIPS, ICCV, CVPR, ECCV, ICLR, AAAI, ACM MM, TIP, TCSVT等期刊会议的审稿人。获得了中国电子教育学会优秀博士学位论文。被评选为ICCV 2023杰出审稿人Outstanding Reviewer。

Visual Computing Research Center



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