赣南脐橙进入了丰收的季节。江西国际传播中心记者Ashley与江西农业大学的巴基斯坦籍留学生ABBAS一同走进“世界橙乡”赣州。在信丰果园,黄澄澄的脐橙挂满枝头,果农们兴高采烈地忙碌着;在宁都赣南脐橙国际博览会,展销热烈人声鼎沸,脐橙文化闪耀四方;在信丰赣南脐橙工厂,一颗颗脐橙走上生产线,漂洋过海闯世界。脐橙产业的发展不仅带动了当地果农的增收,还促进了当地仓储物流、精深加工等相关产业的发展。让我们一同踏上探寻赣南脐橙的甜蜜旅程吧!The Gannan navel orange has entered its harvest season. Ashley, a reporter from JXICC, and ABBAS, a Pakistani international student, visited the "Hometown of Oranges in the World" - Ganzhou. In the Xinfeng orchard, the navel oranges hung in clusters, with farmers busily working; at the Gannan Navel orange international expo in Ningdu, the exhibition sales were lively and bustling, with the navel orange culture shining brightly; in the Xinfeng Gannan navel orange factory, navel oranges were processed on the production line, ready to travel around the world. The development of the navel orange industry has not only boosted the income of local farmers, but also promoted the development of related industries, such as warehousing, logistics, and deep processing. Let us embark on a sweet journey to explore the Gannan navel orange together!