国之相交在于民相亲,民相亲在于心相通。南昌市开展国际友好城市工作始于20世纪80年代。1984年,北马其顿共和国首都斯科普里市率先与南昌市签订友好城市协议,成为南昌市第一个国际友好城市。经过40年的深耕沉淀,南昌市已与17个国家的18个城市缔结友城关系。The bond between nations lies in the closeness of their people, and the closeness of their people lies in the communication of their hearts. The development of the international sister cities relationship of Nanchang City began in the 1980s. In 1984, Skopje, the capital of the Republic of North Macedonia, took the lead in signing a sister city agreement with Nanchang and became the first international sister city in Nanchang. After 40 years of deep cultivation and accumulation, Nanchang has established sister city relationships with 18 cities in 17 countries.