米兰时装周2025年春夏女装系列 | Milan Fashion Week Women's Collection SS 2025

旅行   2024-09-16 18:01   荷兰  



Milan Fashion Week

女装系列 - 2025 春夏

米兰时装周 – 2025春夏女装系列,在意大利外交与国际合作部、意大利对外贸易委员会和米兰市政府的支持下,将于2024年9月17至23日举行。本季米兰时装周将包括174项内容,其中57场实体秀,8场数字秀、70场静态展,6场预约制静态展,以及33场活动。米兰时装周重要的支持全球年轻设计师、可持续时尚以及各项创新项目的空间Fashion Hub本季也将带来丰富精彩的内容。

Organized with support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation, the Italian Trade Agency (ICE) and the Municipality of Milan, the Milano Fashion Week® Women’s Collection, running from 17 to 23 September 2024, is offering 174 appointments including 57 physical and 8 digital fashion shows, 70 presentations, 6 presentations by appointment and 33 other events. The Fashion Hub will be open to the public throughout the week and act as CNMI headquarters to host young brands and emerging designers and give them important visibility, networking, and e-business opportunities.


MFW Schedule on Tencent Video


Chinese audience could follow Milan Fashion Week shows on Tencent Video MFW page (Click "Read More" at the end of the article). 


首次登上官方秀场日程的品牌:意大利设计师品牌FEDERICO CINA (由时装商会时尚基金支持),中国设计师品牌CHICCOMAO, 和越南设计师品牌PHAN DANG HOANG


23日(周一)数字秀场日程的首秀品牌:中国设计师品牌热水RÈ SHU)、意大利品牌:DEFAÏENCE BY NICOLA BACCHILEGA,  JACOB COHËN, VIAPIAVE33 FRANCESCO MURANO(时装商会时尚基金2024年获奖者)

Appearing for the first time on the fashion show calendar will be FEDERICO CINA supported by Camera Moda Fashion Trust, CHICCOMAO and PHAN DANG HOANG, also featured on the digital calendar.

THE ATTICO and LAURA BIAGIOTTI are both making a come-back to the fashion show calendar.

On the digital calendar for the first time there will be DEFAÏENCE BY NICOLA BACCHILEGA, FRANCESCO MURANO, funded by the Camera Moda Fashion Trust Grant 2024, JACOB COHËN, RÈ SHUǏ and VIAPIAVE33.



The brands appearing for the first time on the presentations calendar are:

  • 1989 STUDIO









  • L SAHA



  • MSGM










-ICEBERG将庆祝品牌50周年。创意总监James Long将呈现男女混合系列发布,秀后的派对也将重温品牌50年历程中的重要时刻。

-LAURA BIAGIOTTI 距离首次登上米兰时装周正好50年时间。值得一题的是这是首个在中国办秀的意大利品牌。再连续数次静态展、数字发布形式后,本季时装周再次回归秀场,值得期待。


-意大利版Vogue为庆祝60周年,将在Palazzo Citterio举办为期三天的展览:“Sixty Years of Vogue Italia – Sixty Years of Future”,展览从919日至21日对公众开放。展览将展出从Vogue档案中精选的60张封面,以及一些未曾发表的文章。

This edition will also see celebrations for some important anniversaries:

- ICEBERG is getting ready to celebrate its first 50 years with a Co-Ed show - staged by Creative Director James Long – followed by a party that will relive the key moments in the five decades of the brand’s history.

- LAURA BIAGIOTTI will be celebrating exactly 50 years since the brand’s first appearance on Milano Fashion Week®’s show calendar.

- REDEMPTION will be celebrating its 10th anniversary.

- For its 60th anniversary, Vogue Italia is presenting Sixty Years of Vogue Italia – Sixty years of Future, at Palazzo Citterio in Milan from 19 to 21 September. This exhibition will illustrate the revolutions in fashion and society that the magazine has witnessed with a selection of 60 covers, and some unpublished texts, from the Vogue Italia archives.


-917日时装周开幕第一天 :

  • 12点至15点,米兰时装周官方重要板块之一Fashion Hub将拉开本季时装周帷幕。地址Palazzo GiureconsultiPiazza dei Mercanti, Milano

  • 20点,在Palazzo Reale Sala Cariatidi 揭晓第十届米兰校园时尚大赛结果,届时从意大利各设计学院脱颖而出的优秀学生作品将以集合秀形式展示。

  • 21点,由LVMHLoro Piana 、意大利手工艺联合会和意大利国家时装商会共同举办的“PREMIO MAESTRI DECCELLENZA”(卓越大师奖)的颁奖典礼,为意大利最具才华的手工艺大师授予荣誉。

-91815:15 柯桥与意大利国家时装商会合作,在Garden Senato Venue呈现一场4位中国青年设计师(宋祖耀、冷清、张彦、王子夜)的集合秀及展览活动。

-91919点 布达佩斯精选:匈牙利时装设计署在意大利国家时装商会支持下举办活动展示7个匈牙利设计师品牌:CUKOVY, NANUSHKA, ZSIGMOND, BORBALA, KATA SZEGEDI, SOLÆR CHOKASSY, JUDIT BÁRÁNY

-92021点 在Teatro Manzoni举办第二届“Black Carpet Awards”活动。表彰在时尚文化多元和包容性方面的10位获奖者。他们分别来自时尚、设计、艺术、美食、音乐、科技、商业、运动和电影等不同行业。

-922日,18:30 2024CNMI可持续时尚大奖 (CNMI Sustainable Fashion Awards for 2024)在斯卡拉歌剧院举行。其中10个奖项中将包含两个特别奖项:比斯特青年设计师大奖 (The Bicester Collection Award for Emerging Designers)和埃伦 · 麦克阿瑟基金会循环经济奖(The Ellen MacArthur Foundation Award for Circular Economy)。此活动由意大利国家时装商会与联合国道德时尚倡议组织合作,意大利对外贸易委员会和米兰市政府的支持举办。

Other important events during Milano Fashion Week

-Day 1, Tuesday 17 September,

  • from 12.00 to 15.00, this Fashion Week will open with the inauguration of the Fashion Hub at Palazzo Giureconsulti.

  • At 20.00 in the Sala Cariatidi of Palazzo Reale by the 10th edition of Milano Moda Graduate. Addressing students at Italy’s main fashion schools, this project is being carried forward thanks to continual support from Main Partner YKK Italy.

  • At 21.00, prize-giving ceremony for the PREMIO MAESTRI D’ECCELLENZA, an awards event organized by LVMH, Loro Piana, Confartigianato Imprese and Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana and addressing Italy’s most talented artisansheld at Palazzo della Regione.

- 18 September KEQIAO will put on a collective show of collections by select emerging brands from China. Under this collaboration with CNMI, Keqiao selected 4 emerging designers from China (Zuyao Song, Moi aussi, MinuitCode Suncun) who will exhibit their collections in the Garden Senato space on 18 September.

- 19 SeptemberBudapest Select: The Hungarian Fashion and Design Agency (HFDA) will organize an event supported by CNMI from 7 p.m. involving a number of Hungarian brands to highlight their creativity at an international level. The fashion brands involved will be CUKOVY, NANUSHKA, ZSIGMOND, BORBALA, KATA SZEGEDI, SOLÆR CHOKASSY, JUDIT BÁRÁNY;

- On 20 September the 2nd Black Carpet Awards, at Teatro Manzoni. The event is organized by the Afro Fashion Association to celebrate Leaders of Change who promote diversity and inclusion in fashion, design, art, cuisine, music, technology, business, sport and cinema. The initiative is based on five award categories for a total of 10 winners.

贯穿米兰时装周期间,从9月17日下午至22日下午,意大利国家时装商会的重要项目空间Fashion Hub将设在Palazzo Giureconsulti。届时Fashion Hub将对公众开放同时作为意大利国家时装商会的总部中心接待新品牌和新锐设计师,同时为他们提供重要的露出机会、开拓合作资源和电子商务的机会。Fashion Hub同时设立了一个新的实验性空间,将创新、手工艺、可持续、教育和国际化相结合,本季将特别呈现中国和韩国的内容。


  • DESIGNERS FOR THE PLANET 可持续设计师项目,将全程在fashion hub空间呈现,本季全球范围内入选9位设计师。:CHEZ NOUS, HIKARI NO YAMI, MARAGNO, MERIISI, OH     CARLA, PECORANERA, PLAS COLLECTIVE, RECLOTHING BANK, SUSAN WAGNER。其中再造衣银行(Reclothing Bank)是来自中国的设计师张娜创立的可持续时尚品牌。

  • RESONANCE: VOICES OF SEOUL 由首尔市政府联合意大利国家时装商会共同支持的韩国新锐设计师的静态展览项目。五位设计师分别是:Bonbom,EENK, July Column,MMAM,Youser。

  • MFW FORWARD 支持创新、手工艺和实验性等方面的时装项目。8个项目将在6天内先后在此空间展示。Regione Puglia Land of Fashion 普利亚大区的时尚之地展览作为本版块开幕当天内容。随后18-20分别呈现:Pelipe Fiallo,ESCVDO,EDIS PALA, PATRICK MCDOWELL, SAKE。21-22日两个主题展:MADE FOR A     WOMEN 和 MASTEWAL ALEMU.

  • MFW NEW WAVE 支持新锐品牌静态展的新空间。其中17-18日中国领先青年文化杂志及时尚艺术创意平台Fashion Zoo和意大利国家时装商会合作,举办“中国大礼China Darlings”特别项目,打造“东方文化、当代表达”的创作试验场,呈现12位中国先锋创作者的优秀作品:上下、王逢陈、茉寻与设计师林碧涵共创胶囊系列、陈盛涛、潘鹤云、袁奇奇、022397、Amazing Panda、梁砾文、徐上茜、郑瑞雨。19-22日分别每日呈现一个品牌作品:SAN ANDRES MILANO, ROSE SOCIETY ATELIER,     TRASHY CLOTHING.

丰富的对话分享和跨文化商业对话从18日开始延续到fashion hub最后一日。为Fashion hub的设计师们提供与行业专家面对面交流的机会,更好的了解全球不同市场、行业不同领域的最更新的情况。

During the Milano Fashion Week® - from 17 to 22 September – there will also be a new edition of the Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana Fashion Hub at Palazzo Giureconsulti.

The Hub will be open to the public throughout the week and act as CNMI headquarters to host young brands and emerging designers and give them important visibility, networking and e-business opportunities. This Fashion Hub is also an experimentation centre devoted to innovation, crafts, sustainability, education, and internationalization and with a special focus on Korea and China.

The following projects will be presented in this Fashion Hub:

  • DESIGNERS FOR THE     PLANET: exhibition of 9 emerging designers, with a focus on sustainability     : CHEZ NOUS, HIKARI NO YAMI, MARAGNO, MERIISI, OH CARLA, PECORANERA, PLAS     COLLECTIVE, RECLOTHING BANK, SUSAN WAGNER

  • RESONANCE: VOICES OF     SEOUL: exhibition of 5 emerging Korean designers; BonbomEENK, July ColumnMMAMYouser.

  • MFW FORWARD: supporting     start-ups focused on research, innovation and experimentation;

  • MFW NEW WAVE: a special     project that will come to life in the exterior gallery and will host     further exhibitions of emerging brands;

From 17 to 18thSept :  FASHION ZOO, a leading Chinese youth culture magazine and platform of fashion, art and creativity, will organise an event on 17 and 18 September to present its selection of emerging Chinese designers: AMAZING PANDA, Buerlangma, Feng Chen Wang, Liwen Liang, Louis Shengtao Chen, MIND THE GAP (MTG), MOUTION X Bihan Lin, PERMU, Ruiyu Zheng, SHANGXIA, 022397BLUFF.

From 19thto 22nd Setp: The brands involved in this first edition of the project will be: SAN ANDRES MILANO, ROSE SOCIETY ATELIER, TRASHY CLOTHING.

In this edition too, the Sala Parlamentino in Palazzo Giureconsulti will be brought to life throughout the week by a packed programme of EDUCATIONAL TALKS featuring foundations, companies and associations that will explore various issues and content with the aim of informing, educating, developing insights and sharing experiences. The Educational Talks will investigate issues ranging from sustainability to nature, new business models, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, media & entertainment, craftsmanship and cultural change.

The programme of Educational Talks will be accompanied by a programme of Cross Cultural Business Conversations, a tutorship project for Fashion Hub designers involving numerous conversations and private discussions with industry professionals, including buyers, retailers and managers from Italy, Korea, China, USA, South Africa, Kazakhstan and the Middle East. The aim of the project is to offer the designers the chance to learn more about the Italian fashion industry. The main themes covered are fashion trends, international markets and the needs of today’s consumers.


The communication campaign will continue to focus on key places in Milan. With photography by Alice Rosati and styling by Marzia Fossati, the campaign involved the following brands: FRANCESCO MURANO, LORENZO SEGHEZZI and ANDREĀDAMO, funded by Camera Moda Fashion Trust Grant 2024, MARCO RAMBALDI and DEFAÏENCE BY NICOLA BACCHILEGA, present in the official calendar, and OH CARLA, a brand under the Designer for the Planet project. Our thanks also go to brands JIMMY CHOO, SONORA BOOTS, AGL, GIANVITO ROSSI and RENÉ CAOVILLA for the footwear.

米兰时装周秀场日程也可通过官网关注:milanofashionweek.cameramoda.it。网站同时设立了多品牌及单品牌的虚拟展厅空间。通过意大利国家时装商会的批准后,每个showroom可以将获准品牌新一季系列的图片、视频、联系方式、销售活动日期以及新闻稿等信息进行公布。虚拟展厅将在时装周后延续开放,为意大利以及国际买手提供更方便的预约通道。官网注册并通过CNMI审核后的买手和媒体可在时装周期间使用穿梭交通,方便往返各活动地点,也可以使用Fashion Hub空间中由Kartell呈现的VIP lounge方便工作及休息。

All the shows on the calendar can be followed on the website milanofashionweek.cameramoda.it. The platform will have a section dedicated to virtual showrooms, both multi-brand and single brand. Each showroom will be able, subject to approval of the brands by CNMI, to present photos and videos of collections, contacts, dates of sales campaigns and media releases. The showroom area will remain active after Fashion Week to enable operators to consult it throughout the sales campaigns. Further, a calendar will be produced on which showrooms can indicate the dates of their sales campaigns and contacts for fixing appointments. This will be a useful tool for Italian and international buyers organizing their agendas and will be available on CNMI’s channels.


中国大陆直播及视频合作伙伴:腾讯视频。意大利户外直播伙伴:Urban Vision将通过Fashion Hub户外大屏幕直播米兰时装周秀场和其他相关内容。视频合作伙伴:日本Asahi Shimbun 时尚频道收看秀场视频回放。媒体合作伙伴Class Editori将在时装周期间对热切期待的秀场和活动进行报道和封面内容支持。

The Week’s appointments will be followed in continental China thanks to international streaming and VOD partner Tencent Video, while the Italian OOH streaming partner, Urban Vision, will provide streaming of the shows and other content (including the MFW campaign) on a purpose-built led cube in front of the Fashion Hub at Palazzo Giureconsulti. And thanks to our Video Channel Partner - Asahi Shimbun - it will be possible to watch Fashion Week® content in playback in Japan. Media partner Class Editori will be busy at Milano Fashion Week® this year too to guarantee exclusive cover of the most keenly awaited shows and other events.




Stay tuned to CNMI's official social accounts

for more information:


