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机票和签证 / Air tickets and visas
印度尼西亚目前是落地签,到达泗水需要在吉隆坡或其他地方转机,可以咨询我们帮大家查看。Indonesia currently requires a visa on arrival. You need to transfer in Kuala Lumpur or other places to arrive in Surabaya. You can contact us to help you check.
我们将带你去最像月球的的布罗莫火山看日出,欣赏壮阔的赛武和蓝棉瀑布,来一场尖叫的Triver 漂流,再去精灵坠崖拍一张属于自己的手机壁纸、享受隐藏在陡峭石壁下的钻石沙滩、罗纳威追海豚🐬和浮潜🤿等等,这里将会给我们留下美好的记忆。印度尼西亚真的能让你收获数张人生照片!
In addition to volcanoes, Indonesia also has luminous jungles and orchid seas. It also has a sense of mystery and exotic customs formed by the collision of different religions.
We will take you to watch the sunrise at Bromo, which is the most lunar-like, climb Yizhen, known as the "purgatory on earth" to find the only blue fire in the world, and then go to the Kelingking Beach to take a photo of your own Mobile phone wallpapers, enjoying the Diamond beach hidden under the steep rock walls, chasing dolphins in Lovina🐬 and snorkeling🤿, etc., this place will leave us with wonderful memories. Indonesia can really give you some photos of your life!
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行程亮点 Highlights
这里是《孤独星球》印度尼西亚篇的封面,被美国“国家地理”评为最像月球的地方,也是印尼最佳观星地之一。从满天繁星静静等待朝阳升起火山景观浮现在眼前的那一刻,你会感叹“就是因为这个场景,我才决定来印尼”。 This is the cover of the Indonesian chapter of "Lonely Planet". It has been rated as the most moon-like place by the US "National Geographic" and is also one of the best stargazing places in Indonesia. From the moment when the stars in the sky are quietly waiting for the sun to rise and the volcanic landscape emerges in front of you, you will sigh, "It was because of this scene that I decided to come to Indonesia."
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网上对于去赛武瀑布(sewu)还是蓝棉瀑布(Kapas Biru),争论不休!要我说小孩子才做选择,我们两个都去!蓝棉和赛武距离很近,如果说赛武是那种热烈又壮观的震撼,那么蓝棉就真是世外桃源的秘境赛武下乱石遍布,而蓝棉下成片的绿叶,生机盎然!当你站在蓝棉瀑布下,无法不被大自然的强大生机所征服,坐在瀑布上游,能看到远处的火山和下面的瀑布,简直不要太美!
There is endless debate online about whether to go to Sewu Waterfall or Kapas Biru Waterfall! But only children make choices, let's both go! Lan Mian and Sai Wu are very close. If Sai Wu is the kind of passionate and spectacular shock, then Lan Mian is truly a paradise of paradise. Under Sai Wu, there are scattered rocks, and under Lan Mian, there are lush green leaves, full of vitality! When you stand under the Blue Cotton Waterfall, you cannot help but be conquered by the powerful vitality of nature. Sitting upstream of the waterfall, you can see the distant volcano and the waterfall below, which is simply too beautiful!
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Triver 漂流
巴厘岛的两个漂流都在乌布,一个是T河,一个是阿勇河,相比之下,T河更刺激,这里的漂流是真实的热带雨林,狂野,激烈!这里河水清澈干净,能清晰的水底的石头,河水不深,但有一定坡度,水流比较急,河中凸起的石头比较多,经常会 猝不及防的撞上,像在河中开碰碰车➕过山车,非常刺激!T河还有一个4米落差的平台,随着河水一跃而下,真是惊险又刺激,超级好玩!
Two drifting experiences in Bali are both in Ubud, one on the T River and the other on the Ayung River. In comparison, the T River is more exciting, and drifting here is a real tropical rainforest, wild and intense! The river water here is clear and clean, and the stones at the bottom of the water can be clearly seen. The river water is not deep, but has a certain slope, and the water flow is relatively fast. There are many protruding stones in the river, which often collide unexpectedly. I want to drive a bumper car in the river ➕ Roller coaster, very exciting! T River also has a platform with a 4-meter drop, jumping down with the river water, it's really thrilling and exciting, super fun!
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精灵坠崖Kelingking Beach
这里是苹果壁纸的取景地,是俯瞰海景的极佳地方。蜿蜒高耸的悬崖、恐龙般造型的岩层外环绕着由浅到深的碧蓝海水,茂密的植被从山间一直延伸到海面。还有悬崖下纯白色的精灵沙滩也是精品,不论你是静静地享受日光浴或是沿着海浪奔跑漫步都将满足你对海岛的一切幻想。This is the location where the Apple wallpaper was shot, and it is an excellent place overlooking the sea view. Winding and towering cliffs and dinosaur-shaped rock formations are surrounded by blue water from shallow to deep, and dense vegetation extends from the mountains to the sea. There is also a pure white fairy beach under the cliff. Whether you are quietly enjoying the sunbathing or running and strolling along the waves, it will satisfy all your fantasies about the island.
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钻石沙滩Diamond Beach
这里的礁石像钻石一样,在海浪的拍打中闪闪发光。沿着栈道往下走,可以看到美丽的弧形海滩,一路上都是景点打卡机位,在这里,一定能收获你的人生壁纸。还有机会遇到水中遨游的魔鬼鱼哦~The rocks here sparkle like diamonds in the crashing waves. Walking down the plank road, you can see the beautiful curved beach. There are check-in spots at attractions along the way. Here, you will definitely get the wallpaper of your life. There is also a chance to meet the manta rays swimming in the water~
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天神浴池Angel Billabong
在佩尼达岛上,有一处专门给天神洗澡的地方,这里看似平静却危机四伏。浪拍打着礁石翻涌而上,冲击出白色的泡沫,然后又顺着岩壁重回大海,如此往复循环。天神浴池是天然形成的泳池所以它深浅不一,很有层次感。在狮子🦁眼里它更像是位于大海边的高级酒店里的无边泳池。On the island of Nusa Penida, there is a place dedicated to bathing the gods. It seems peaceful but is full of dangers. The waves hit the rocks and rolled up, breaking out white foam, and then returned to the sea along the rock walls, and so on. Tenjin Bath is a naturally formed swimming pool, so it has different depths and is very layered. In the eyes of a lion🦁, it is more like an infinity pool in a high-end hotel by the sea.
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你知道亲眼看见海豚跃出水面时是什么感受吗?罗威纳追海豚几乎成为了来到巴厘岛必须体验的项目之一!每天清晨,罗威纳都能迎来巡游的海豚群,所以这里看到海豚的概率相当大。黎明前就出发,乘着蜘蛛船,摇晃在大海中,慢慢等待晨曦划破天空。此时海豚会悄悄从你船边游过或是在梦幻的日出中翻腾、跳跃、旋转,你真的会被这些小精灵深深迷住。Do you know what it feels like to see a dolphin leap out of the water? Chasing dolphins with Rottweiler has almost become one of the must-experience activities in Bali! Every morning, Rottweiler can welcome a pod of cruising dolphins, so the probability of seeing dolphins here is quite high. Set out before dawn, ride on the spider boat, rocking in the sea, slowly waiting for the morning light to break through the sky. At this time, dolphins will quietly swim by your boat or flip, jump, and spin in the dreamy sunrise. You will really be fascinated by these little elves.
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行程介绍 Itinerary
Day 1 集合日
全国各地-印度尼西亚 泗水 机场集合- 布罗莫附近酒店
China-Indonesia Surabaya Airport -Hotels near Bromo
今天是我们的集合日,欢迎大家从全球各地飞往印度尼西亚的泗水,我们将在机场等待大家(方便的话也可以和领队一起成都飞机出发)一起坐车前往bromo火山附近的酒店。出行前狮子🦁会给各位小伙伴发送集合文档,包括酒店位置、出行装备、领队信息等),等到小伙伴到达之后,我们将组织召开一次行程说明会让各位小伙伴互相认识,也做一个本次行程的行前介绍。Today is our reunion day. Welcome everyone from all over the world to fly to Surabaya, Indonesia. We will wait for you at the airport (if convenient, you can also fly from Chengdu with the leader) and drive to the hotel near Bromo Volcano. Before the trip, Lion🦁 will send a collection document to each of the friends, including hotel location, travel equipment, tour leader information, etc.). After the friends arrive, we will organize a itinerary briefing to let all the friends get to know each other and make a Pre-departure introduction for this trip.
Day 2
bromo-hotel near Surabaya
Today we will depart at 1 o'clock and arrive at the Bromo volcano observation deck at 3 o'clock to officially climb the observation deck. 5: Arrive at the observation deck 30 days ago and prepare to watch the sunrise. You will see the scenery of life. At 7 o'clock, we will descend the mountain and head to the Bromo volcano. By passing through the sandy sea, we can take Jeep photos, and we will also hike along the volcano to experience the magnificence of nature. The itinerary ends at 12 o'clock and we will return to the Surabaya hotel to rest. The journey today is relatively long, please make sure to bring your motion sickness medicine if you are experiencing motion sickness
Day 3
Semeru Volcano Town - Blue Cotton Waterfall - Sawu Waterfall - Surabaya Airport - Bali Hotel
今日我们将早上约 05:00 出发, 打包早餐出发,驱车前往赛梅鲁火山附近的小镇,这里不仅是观赏火山壮丽景色的理想之地,更是捕捉日出美景的绝佳位置。随后前往蓝棉瀑布,这里的瀑布以其清澈见底的蓝色水域和周围茂密的热带雨林而闻名。紧接着,徒步前往赛武瀑布,这里同样以其壮观的瀑布群,不同于蓝棉瀑布,赛武瀑布更显气势磅礴,多级瀑布层层叠叠,每一层都有其独特的魅力。完成一天的探险后,我们将前往泗水机场,搭乘飞往巴厘岛的航班。飞行时间不长,但足以让您在机舱内稍作休息,为接下来的巴厘岛之旅养精蓄锐。
Today we will depart at around 05:00 in the morning, pack breakfast and drive to the town near Mount Semeru. This is not only an ideal place to enjoy the magnificent scenery of the volcano, but also an excellent location to capture the sunrise. Then head to the Blue Cotton Waterfall, which is famous for its clear blue waters and dense tropical rainforest surrounding it. Next, we will hike to Saiwu Waterfall, which is also famous for its spectacular waterfall group. Unlike the Blue Cotton Waterfall, Saiwu Waterfall is even more majestic, with multiple levels of cascading waterfalls, each with its own unique charm. After completing a day of exploration, we will head to Surabaya Airport and take a flight to Bali. The flight time is not long, but it is enough for you to take a short rest in the cabin and recharge for the upcoming trip to Bali.
Day 4
酒店-T river 漂流-罗威纳酒店
Hotel - T River Drift - Rowena Hotel
Today, we plan to depart on time before 8am. It takes about 2.5 hours by car to reach the drifting point, and the entire drifting journey lasts about 3-4 hours, including lunch time, rest time, and washing time. After the drifting is over, we will drive to Rowena and arrive at the hotel located there around 19:00 in the afternoon. Get some rest and welcome tomorrow's dolphin chase beautifully 🐬 Journey!
Day 5
罗威纳追海豚 ➕ 乌布
Rowena chasing dolphins ➕ Ubud
今日我们也将早早的起床,5 点半出发 ,乘坐蜘蛛船前往海豚常常出没的海域。随着朝阳逐渐升起,也许我们能看到粉红色云彩挂满天空以及成群结队的海豚在海上翻腾跳跃。大概1小时的出海时间后,我们回到酒店休息,然后退房,前往库塔。中途可在乌布就餐,逛乌布市场。午餐后,我们将前往乌布市场。这是一个充满活力和色彩的地方,您可以在这里购买到各种手工艺品、纪念品和当地特色商品。同时,您还可以感受到巴厘岛人民的热情好客和淳朴民风。我们将驱车返回库塔酒店。此时,您可以在酒店内放松身心,享受库塔独特的海滩风情和舒适的住宿环境。(提示:能否看到海豚是概率问题,请大家放宽心态,一切随缘)。
Today we will also wake up early, depart at 5:30, and take a spider boat to the sea where dolphins often appear. As the sun gradually rises, perhaps we can see pink clouds hanging in the sky and groups of dolphins churning and jumping on the sea. After about an hour of sea time, we returned to the hotel to rest, checked out, and headed to Kuta. You can have a meal in Ubud and visit the Ubud market on the way. After lunch, we will head to Ubud Market. This is a vibrant and colorful place where you can purchase various handicrafts, souvenirs, and local specialty products. At the same time, you can also feel the warm hospitality and simple folk customs of the people of Bali. We will drive back to the Kuta Hotel. At this moment, you can relax and enjoy the unique beach scenery and comfortable accommodation environment of Kuta in the hotel. (Hint: Whether or not you can see dolphins is a matter of probability. Please relax your mindset and let everything go according to fate).
Day 6
Eastern Route of Penida- Bali
Depart at 6:30 and go to the essence of the East West Classic Line, Diamond Beach, Attu Beach, Treehouse, Baobao Mountain. When you have enough time, you can also take everyone snorkeling in the blue sea. Return at 16:00 and take a boat back to Bali. After arriving at the hotel in Bali, everyone can freely move around and prepare for their return to Chengdu tomorrow.
Day 7 解散日
今天是解散日,这一天没有活动安排,酒店退房时间通常为中午12点,我们会根据大家的飞机时间安排专车送机,也可以继续从这里开始其他新的旅程,感谢小伙伴一路的理解与支持,期待与你的下次相遇。Today is the disbandment day. There are no activities scheduled for this day. The hotel check-out time is usually 12 pm. We will arrange a special car to send you to the airport according to your flight time. You can also continue to start other new journeys from here. Thank you for your understanding and supportting along the way, looking forward to meeting you next time.
活动费用 | Cub price:
6880 元/人 | RMB 6880/pax
行程日期| Tour date:
1月29日-2月4日| 29th Jan-4th Feb
出行人数 | Limited:
8-20人 | 8-20 pax
18岁+ | 18+ years old
报名入口| Register:
Click the pic and sign up now 点击图片立即报名
(We also support Alipay or bank accounts to register
if you're not convenient with WeChat payment)
酒店住宿:行程内 6 晚指定酒店或同等级酒店(含早)
门票: 佩妮达行程包含巴厘岛佩妮达往返船票,包车接送,佩妮达岛登岛费,简单午餐;布罗莫/瀑布行程包含门票地导。
领队:1名狮子冒险双语领队全程服务费用,协调负责协调行程安排等,让您能够全身心投入到旅行当中。巴厘岛为中文司机服务,泗水为英文司机服务,在线中文 24 小时客服服务;
Price includes:
Airport transfer service: Arrange one pick-up and drop-off service each;
Transportation: Designated vehicles and boats for daily itinerary (charter transportation for pick-up and drop off, charter boat for Rowena dolphin chase)
Hotel accommodation: Designated hotel or equivalent hotel for 6 nights during the itinerary (including breakfast)
Meals: Breakfast provided throughout the trip;
Tickets:The itinerary for Penida includes round-trip boat tickets to Penida in Bali, chartered transportation, Penida Island landing fees, and a simple lunch; The Bromo/Waterfall itinerary includes admission tickets and guided tours.
Insurance: Complimentary high coverage commercial insurance for overseas travel;
Guide: The cost of one bilingual Lion Adventure guide throughout the trip, responsible for coordinating and arranging the itinerary, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the journey.Bali provides Chinese driver services, Surabaya provides English driver services, and online Chinese 24-hour customer service is available;
Photography: Full video and photo coverage of the Broomo volcano ;
2、印尼签证费(约 250RMB),巴厘岛旅游税(约75RMB),科莫多公园门票(约 300RMB);
6、因交通延阻、战争、政变、罢工、大风、大雾、飞机故障、 航班取消或更改时间等不可抗力原因所引致的额外费用。
Price includes:
1. Transportation costs to and from the meeting point in Indonesia;
2. Indonesian visa fee (approximately 250RMB), Bali tourism tax (approximately 75RMB), Komodo Park ticket (approximately 300RMB);
3. Any personal expenses and other fees not mentioned in the package;
4,Etiquette tips for hotels, doormen, boatmen/drivers, etc. (not mandatory, depending on mood)
5. Single room supplement: For those who do not wish to share a room, a single room can be arranged subject to availability, and the single room;
6. Additional expenses incurred due to force majeure events, such as transportation delays, war, political unrest, strikes, heavy winds, fog, flight malfunctions, flight cancellations or change of schedule.
装备建议 Gears lists
Luggage: Large backpack or suitcase, a 20L-30L day hiking backpack
Clothing: Normally, you can mainly wear summer clothes. It is cold in the morning and evening in Shuanghuan Mountains, so you need to bring a thick coat.
Footwear: Hiking shoes or non-slip sports shoes, 2-3 pairs of thick socks
Others: Hiking sticks, sunscreen cap, sunscreen, sunglasses, umbrella or raincoat, thermos, personal toiletries, etc
Road meal:Prepare your favorite foods in advance and replenish supplies along the way.
Personal belongings: Passport/ ID card, electronic equipment with batteries, charging bank, Adapter, etc
Medicines:Please be sure to bring personal medicines commonly used for internal use (cold medicine, gastrointestinal medicine, motion sickness medicine, personal special medicine, etc.)
安全提示 Safety tips
1. 本线路有较长时间火山徒步,身体素质要求较高,请根据自身情况参与。
2. 车程较多请适量携带晕车药,出发前半小时服用。
3. 印尼昼夜温差很大,请注意携带保暖衣物;海岛紫外线强烈,请准备防晒用品。
1. This route involves a long volcano hike and requires high physical fitness. Please participate according to your own conditions.
2. If you have a long journey, please bring an appropriate amount of motion sickness medicine and take it half an hour before departure.
3. Indonesia has a large temperature difference between day and night, so please bring warm clothes; the island’s ultraviolet rays are strong, so please prepare sun protection products.
报名须知 Notes to Applicants
1. 户外出行安全第一,如当期活动遇重大特殊情况或者恶劣天气,我们将以大家的安全为主,有权更改路线,作出应急预案。
2. 出发前都会拉报名人进群。帮忙报名的可以主动将其余朋友拉进群。
3. 至少8人成行,如未到达成行人数,我们提前联系通知办理退款。
1. Outdoor travel safety first, in the event of major special events or bad weather, we will take everyone's safety as the main, so we have the right to change the route, and make emergency plans.
2. Before departure, you will be added in a WeChat group.
3. If the number of people is less than 8, we will contact and inform you in advance for a refund.
取消政策Cancellation Rules:
1. If cancellation is made more than 20 days prior to departure, a full refund will be given.
2. If cancellation is made within 10-20 days prior to departure, a 30% cancellation fee will be charged.
3. If cancellation is made within 4-9 days prior to departure, a 70% cancellation fee will be charged.
4. If cancellation is made within 3 days prior to departure, no refund will be given.
集合信息 Meeting Info
印度尼西亚泗水机场 Surabaya Airport, Indonesia
重要提醒:因个人原因没有按时集合错过出行计划,只退门票费用,其他不退。Attention: Anyone who misses the bus will be regarded as giving up by yourself. As for the drop-off points, the guide may make appropriate adjustments according to the actual road conditions of the return trip. Please cooperate with us.
活动咨询 Consultation
领队狮 Lion Guides
摄影狮 Lion Photographers
为什么选择狮子冒险 Why choose LionAdventure
青春的脚步,总是追逐着风的方向。LionAdventure狮子冒险致力于为来自世界各地,有着不同的文化背景和人生故事的伙伴,创造一种独特的户外+旅行结合的生活方式。The footsteps of youth always chase after the direction of the wind. LionAdventure focuses on creating a unique lifestyle that combines outdoor activities and travel experiences for young people from around the world, each with their own cultural background and life stories.
我们将各种户外运动元素融入旅行之中,无论是徒步穿越森林的探险,还是骑行在乡间小路的自由,亦或是在湖边露营的宁静,每一步都伴随着户外运动的热情与活力。让每一次出行都成为一次健康而难忘的体验。We integrate various outdoor sports elements into our travels, whether it's the adventure of trekking through forests, the freedom of cycling along country roads, or the tranquility of camping by the lakeside. Every step is accompanied by passion and vitality for outdoor sports, making each trip a healthy and unforgettable experience.