
乐活   壁纸头像   2024-10-30 00:00   云南  


【独家 高质】





万圣节最早的起源可以追溯到古凯尔特人节日——萨温节,凯尔特人认为这天是生者和亡灵世界的交汇点。Halloween traces its origins to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when the Celts believed the boundary between the living and the dead blurred.

南瓜灯其实是从大头菜灯演变而来,最初的万圣节灯笼是在爱尔兰用大头菜制作的。Jack-o’-lanterns originally were carved from turnips, not pumpkins, in Ireland to ward off evil spirits.

每年在美国,约有2.6亿磅的南瓜被用来制作南瓜灯,这几乎是南瓜总产量的三分之一。In the U.S., around 260 million pounds of pumpkins are carved each Halloween season, nearly one-third of the total pumpkin harvest.

“不给糖就捣蛋”的习俗源于欧洲的“灵魂蛋糕”,孩子们会唱歌祈祷以换取糕点。The "trick-or-treat" tradition originates from the European “soul cakes” custom, where children sang prayers in exchange for treats.

万圣节糖果的销售量在美国排名第二,仅次于圣诞节,巧克力最受欢迎。Halloween candy sales are second only to Christmas in the U.S., with chocolate being the top treat of choice.

黑猫成为万圣节的象征,是因为它们被认为是女巫的灵宠,能为巫术增添神秘力量。Black cats became Halloween symbols because they were believed to be witches' familiars, adding a touch of mystery to witchcraft.

万圣节橙色和黑色的配色象征着收获和死亡的交汇,橙色代表秋季,黑色代表夜晚和神秘。The Halloween color palette of orange and black represents the mix of harvest and death—orange for autumn and black for night and mystery.

万圣节的“迷雾”场景其实可以通过干冰制作,这种迷雾是二氧化碳气体凝结而成的。The iconic Halloween “fog” is often created with dry ice, which produces a dense vapor as it sublimates into carbon dioxide gas.

传统上,爱尔兰人会在万圣节夜晚举办盛大的火焰仪式,火焰象征着驱逐邪灵。Traditionally, the Irish held bonfire ceremonies on Halloween night, symbolizing the warding off of evil spirits.

很多万圣节的鬼怪形象来源于19世纪英国的幽灵故事,特别是维多利亚时代的恐怖小说。Many Halloween creatures come from 19th-century British ghost stories, especially the horror novels of the Victorian era.

万圣节夜晚的月亮尤其受关注,有传言说这晚的满月会带来更强的“超自然气息”。Halloween’s full moon is especially famous, with rumors that it strengthens the “supernatural atmosphere” of the night.

南瓜灯上的面孔通常被雕刻得吓人,因为早期人们认为这样能吓跑不安的灵魂。Jack-o'-lantern faces are often carved to look scary because it was believed this would scare off restless spirits.


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