小骷髅组建了自己的“骨帮”,他们的口号是:“没有肉,也能硬气出骨感!”但最凶的武器就是用胳膊骨头敲桌子。The little skeleton formed its own “Bone Gang,” with the motto: “No flesh, but plenty of backbone!” Their deadliest weapon? Knocking on the table with an arm bone.
骷髅帮派开会时,总有几块骨头掉到地上,老大不耐烦地说:“下次谁再掉,我就罚你再多拼一次!”During a skeleton gang meeting, bones kept falling to the floor. The boss snapped, “Next one who drops a bone, you’ll be fined with extra reassembly duty!”
一个骷髅小弟正在收取保护费,威胁说:“交出来,不然我今晚就吓着你!”对方反驳道:“光是摇晃,你可能就会骨折!”A skeleton underling was collecting protection money, threatening, “Pay up, or I’ll scare you tonight!” The target retorted, “You’ll probably fracture a bone just by shaking!”
骷髅帮打架时总爱喊:“骨头才是最强的武器!”然后对手一挥棒球棍,骷髅们立刻抱头散开:“别打脸,脸是收藏品!”Skeleton gangs love to yell, “Bones are the strongest weapon!” during fights. But the moment someone swings a bat, they scatter screaming, “Not the face—it’s a collector’s item!”
骷髅黑帮庆功宴上,老大端起酒杯喊:“为了骨帮!干杯!”结果酒从下巴直接流到地上,所有人都默默地给地板倒满了酒。At the skeleton gang’s celebration party, the boss raised a glass and yelled, “To the Bone Gang! Cheers!” Only for the drink to pour straight through its jaw, prompting everyone to silently pour their drinks on the floor.
”骷髅老大试图给帮派招募新人,却总被问:“你们帮派有医保吗?”老大顿了顿,回答:“呃……我们配防锈喷雾。”The skeleton boss tried recruiting new members but kept getting asked, “Does your gang offer health insurance?” The boss paused and replied, “Uh… we provide anti-rust spray.”
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