【独家 高质】
小狐狸最擅长的伎俩就是把你的鞋藏在树洞里,然后装出一副“哎呀,不是我干的”的无辜表情。The little fox’s favorite trick is hiding your shoes in a tree hole and then putting on the most innocent “Oh no, not me!” face.
传说小狐狸尾巴上的毛每年冬天会更蓬松,实际原因可能只是它偷偷用了城里买来的护发素。Legend says a fox’s tail gets fluffier every winter, but the real reason might be its secret stash of store-bought conditioner.
每次小狐狸偷走村民的鸡,都会留下一个花形足迹,就像在签名:“这可是我精心制作的艺术品。”Every time the little fox steals a chicken, it leaves a flower-shaped footprint, as if signing its masterpiece.
小狐狸总爱趴在树枝上晒太阳,看起来像个毛茸茸的橘色吊床。The little fox loves lounging on tree branches, looking like a fluffy orange hammock.
每次小狐狸想吓唬人,总是因为尾巴摇得太开心,暴露了藏身位置。Every time the little fox tries to scare someone, its wagging tail gives away its hiding spot.
小狐狸总以为自己是最狡猾的动物,但每次偷吃完果子,嘴上的果酱却无声揭发了它。The little fox thinks it’s the cleverest animal, but every stolen berry ends with jam on its face as undeniable proof.
森林里的动物都知道,跟小狐狸玩游戏得小心,它的“藏尾巴游戏”是藏别人的尾巴。Every forest animal knows to be cautious playing games with the fox—its “hide the tail” game involves hiding others’ tails.
小狐狸最喜欢捡人类丢的东西,然后摆在洞口,像个开了一家奇怪的小杂货店。The little fox loves collecting things humans drop, arranging them at its den’s entrance like a quirky little thrift shop.
每当夜晚星空明亮,小狐狸就会爬上山顶,把自己的影子投在月光下,幻想自己是一只巨大的银狐。On bright starry nights, the little fox climbs the hill and casts its shadow in the moonlight, pretending to be a giant silver fox.
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