
乐活   壁纸头像   2024-11-24 00:00   云南  




我想如果地球能发朋友圈,内容一定是:“今天又在银河里忙转圈,累成球。”If Earth could post on social media, its status would surely be: “Another day spinning in the Milky Way—utterly exhausted!”

火星探测器拍到的照片总是模糊的,可能是因为火星人在镜头后面比“耶”,吓坏了自动对焦。Mars rover photos are always blurry, maybe because Martians are photobombing with peace signs, freaking out the autofocus.

如果宇宙有微信群,那银河肯定是群主,黑洞就是每天转发“天体养生秘籍”的管理员。If the universe had a group chat, the Milky Way would be the admin, and black holes would spam “cosmic wellness tips” daily.

每颗流星大概都在心里呐喊:“快许愿,我可是限时特价的梦想速递员!”Every shooting star must be screaming inside: “Hurry up and make a wish! I’m a limited-time dream delivery service!”

人类总想探索宇宙的秘密,但宇宙可能也在研究地球人:“他们为什么这么喜欢自拍?”Humans are eager to uncover the universe’s secrets, but maybe the universe is studying us instead: “Why are they so obsessed with selfies?”

银河系像个巨大的旋转木马,只不过没人知道终点在哪里,大家都在兜风。The Milky Way is like a giant carousel, except no one knows where it ends, and everyone’s just enjoying the ride.

我怀疑宇航员在太空漫步时都会小声嘀咕:“这真是个清理心情的好地方,没有老板,没有噪音。”I suspect astronauts mutter to themselves during spacewalks: “This is the ultimate stress relief—no bosses, no noise.”

如果宇宙是个餐厅,太阳是主厨,地球是自助餐台,黑洞大概是那个啥都不剩的食客。If the universe were a restaurant, the Sun would be the chef, Earth the buffet table, and black holes the customer who leaves nothing behind.

每次仰望星空,总觉得那些星星在偷偷眨眼,好像在说:“我们知道你深夜点的外卖是什么!”Every time I look at the night sky, I feel like the stars are winking at me, as if to say, “We know what you ordered for late-night delivery!”

黑洞可能是宇宙的“失物招领处”,每次有星球喊丢了陨石,黑洞都会回答:“不好意思,吞了。”Black holes might be the universe’s “lost and found.” Every time a planet loses a meteor, the black hole replies, “Oops, I swallowed it.”


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