【独家 高质】
小骷髅每次走路,都像是在说:“没有肉的身子,也能摇摆出最酷的舞步!”Every time the little skeleton walks, it seems to say, “No flesh, but I can still shake my bones to the coolest beat!”
小骷髅在午夜钟声响起时,总是站在镜子前练习微笑,觉得自己是“幽灵界的微笑天使”。When the midnight bell rings, the little skeleton stands in front of the mirror practicing its smile, thinking it's the “smiling angel of the ghost world.”
小骷髅决定加入一个跑步俱乐部,但很快意识到它的“框架”不是为速度而建的,所以它只是在跑道上摇摇晃晃。The little skeleton decided to join a running club, but quickly realized its “framework” wasn’t built for speed, so it just wobbled along the track.
小骷髅每次一摔倒,就会立刻站起来拍拍灰尘,仿佛在说:“骨头没事,心情依旧很好!”Every time the little skeleton trips, it immediately stands up and pats the dust off, as if saying, “Bones are fine, mood still great!”
小骷髅和鬼魂一起玩捉迷藏,总是被发现,因为它“咔嚓咔嚓”的声音总是在黑暗中响起。The little skeleton plays hide and seek with ghosts but always gets caught because its “clattering” bones echo loudly in the dark.
小骷髅试着当模特,但意识到每次换衣服时,它都感觉自己是“骨骼展示”的一部分,而不是尖端时尚。The little skeleton tried being a model but realized every time it changed clothes, it felt like it was part of a “bone display,” not exactly cutting-edge fashion.
小骷髅喜欢在夜晚跳舞,听着自己的骨头“咔咔”作响,它觉得自己是“夜晚派对的灵魂”。The little skeleton loves to dance at night, listening to its bones “click-clack,” and believes it’s the “soul of the midnight party.”
小骷髅尝试做烘焙,结果发现它的“手”根本拿不住面团,只能站在旁边当个“骨架装饰”。The little skeleton tried baking but realized it couldn’t hold the dough with its “hands,” so it just stood by as a “bone decoration.”
小骷髅总是对镜子里的自己说:“至少我永远不会变老。”然后它摇了摇头,笑着走开。The little skeleton always looks in the mirror and says, “At least I’ll never grow old.” Then it shakes its head and walks away, still chuckling.
骷髅玩捉迷藏时总是赢,因为它可以躲在衣柜里,其他人都找不到它,直到有人打开衣柜,发现了一堆骨头。The skeleton always won at hide and seek because it could hide in a closet, and no one would find it—until someone opened the closet and discovered a pile of bones.
小骷髅试图戴上眼镜,但它发现自己眼睛空空的,似乎连个配件都找不到。The little skeleton tried to wear glasses, only to find that its eyes were empty, and it couldn’t even find something to accessorize with.
小骷髅去了一家餐馆,试着用骨头拿叉子,但每次切菜的时候,它都觉得自己在“做手术”The little skeleton went to a restaurant and tried using its bones to hold a fork, but every time it cut vegetables, it felt like it was “performing surgery.”
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