【独家 高质】
大地突然震动了一下,空中传来一声尖啸,那声音刺入脑海,撕裂了所有宁静的思绪。The earth trembles briefly, and a piercing shriek echoes from above, stabbing into your mind and shredding all peaceful thoughts.
天空被撕裂成两半,云层的裂缝中露出一张巨大的面孔,双眼空洞,却充满着无声的威胁。The sky splits in two, and a massive face peers through the clouds, its hollow eyes brimming with silent menace.
空气中弥漫着铁锈的味道,每呼吸一次,胸腔里的压迫感就更深,像有无形的爪子慢慢收紧你的肺。The air carries the scent of rust, and with each breath, the pressure in your chest deepens, as if unseen claws are slowly tightening around your lungs.
黑色羽毛在空中盘旋,却落地无声,仿佛是空气将它们吞噬,而不是大地接纳。Black feathers spiral in the air but land without a sound, as if swallowed by the wind rather than embraced by the ground.
树梢上的影子与光线不符,像一个无形的掠食者,静静等待着某个不幸的猎物靠近。The shadows atop the trees defy the light, like an invisible predator lying in wait for some unfortunate prey to approach.
雾气散开时,地面上出现了奇怪的印记,它们排列成某种文字,仿佛是在给你传达一封来自深渊的信件。When the mist clears, strange markings appear on the ground, arranged like a cryptic script, as if delivering you a letter from the abyss、
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