【独家 高质】
公主看到床上那20层垫子时,只想翻个白眼:“我是公主,不是汉堡馅!”When the princess saw the 20-layered mattress, she wanted to roll her eyes: “I’m a princess, not burger filling!”
每个公主的衣柜里都有一条不合身的裙子,那是她和缝纫师赌气的结果。Every princess has one ill-fitting dress in her wardrobe, a relic of an argument with the royal tailor.
公主的日常烦恼:皇冠太重,头发太乱,王子又在练习不靠谱的英雄救美计划。A princess’s daily struggles: the crown’s too heavy, her hair’s a mess, and the prince is testing another questionable rescue plan.
有的公主靠唱歌召唤动物帮忙,有的公主靠蛋糕引诱整个城堡的鼠群。Some princesses summon animals by singing; others bribe the castle’s mice with cake.
每次公主丢了水晶鞋,我就会想:“她就不能换双系鞋带的鞋吗?”至少他们会留下来。”Every time a princess loses a glass slipper, I wonder, “Can’t she switch to shoes with laces? At least they’ll stay on.”
公主们在皇家晚宴上的潜规则:谁先踩到裙子,谁就要陪国王聊天一小时。The unspoken rule of royal banquets: whoever steps on a dress first has to endure an hour of small talk with the king.
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