红尘似梦,多少相逢如浮萍般飘忽,落在谁的心间,终究是前世注定的踪迹。In the world of fleeting dreams, many encounters drift like duckweed; wherever they land, they carry traces of destiny from lifetimes past.
山川不语,缘却如丝丝春雨,润物无声,悄然在心底织出宿命的图案。The mountains speak not, yet fate weaves like gentle spring rain, silently etching a tapestry of destiny within the heart.
青丝霜雪,多少真意皆随风化作无声的契约,不必辩解谁失谁得。Through frost and time, true intentions fade like whispers in the wind, forming silent pacts beyond the need to discern gain from loss.
天地辽阔,人心微渺,有些事情如落花般随缘落地,不因人意而生,不因人力而散。Under vast heavens, human intentions are slight, and some matters fall like petals by fate’s hand, neither created nor dispersed by will alone.
抬眼望去,江湖滚滚,起落成败皆似烟尘掠过,唯有心间留得一丝温情。Raising one’s gaze, the ebb and flow of fate sweep by like dust, and all that remains is a hint of warmth within.
尘世因果相缠,无需探究来去的路,只静静随之如流水般缓缓而行。The world’s karma is intertwined; there’s no need to probe the paths of comings and goings; simply follow along as calmly as flowing water.
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