TRIUMPH|「北极光」 将于1月13日开幕

文化   2024-01-11 15:15   北京  


北极光 Northern Lights


拉斯·埃林 Lars Elling

马丁·戈兰 Martin Golland

2024.1.13 - 2.29

A-05, 798 Art Zone, No.2 Jiuxianqiao Rd, 
Chaoyang District, Beijing

凯旋画廊荣幸宣布将于2024年1月13日至2月29日期间,呈现艺术家拉斯·埃林(Lars Elling)和马丁·戈兰(Martin Golland)的双个展「北极光」,展出两位艺术家近几年创作的10余幅绘画作品。




TRIUMPH GALLERY is pleased to present Northern Lights, a double solo exhibition by artists Lars Elling and Martin Golland from January 13 to February 29, 2024, featuring more than 10 paintings created by the two artists  in recent years.

The artists Lars Elling and Martin Golland transpose the audience into the inner dimension of their works, immersing them in an instant in which perception surpasses the representation. Within their works, they probe the intricate relationships between the individual and the environment, symbols and expressions, perception and emotions, fiction and reality.

Family is the repetitive theme in Lars Elling’s works, familiar moments infiltrated by surprising or unpleasant elements. The formalistic aspect of His paintings is characterized by the erased and the broken, the pure visual expression has a meaningful function, where story and poetry are strong fundamentals. Martin Golan's paintings offer a meeting point between a built environment and the natural world. I seek to open up a space between living forms and their contexts. Here, the material presence of paint’s sensuality, unruliness, and affective potential overtake the image and its efficacy, embodying forces at the edge of the visible.

Both artists’ practices stem from representation, yet they strive to reshape long-standing modes through unique expressions. The soliloquies enacted in Lars Elling’s works fixate on the essence of “things” in a momentary space-time, eliciting questions of the audience’s self-perception and their pure sensation within an aesthetic experience. Martin Golland’s fabricated reveries, with its labyrinthine pictorial structures, all reach the audience’s visual core, scrutinizing and challenging the audience’s gaze. “Splendid and intense, yet silent, gentle, and soul-stirring.” Through personal experiences, both artists utilize representations that transcend the status quo of figurations, endowing their works with a vibrant, ever-shifting vitality.

拉斯·埃林 Lars Elling, 舒适圈 Safe Zone
布面坦培拉 Egg oil tempera on canvas, 120×100cm, 2023

马丁·戈兰 Martin Golland, 储水池 Cistern
布面油彩 Oil on canvas, 121.9 × 106.7cm, 2023

拉斯·埃林 Lars Elling, 午夜缪斯 The Midnight Muse
布面坦培拉 Egg oil tempera on canvas, 100×100cm, 2023

马丁·戈兰 Martin Golland, 栖息地 Habitat

布面油彩 Oil on canvas, 152.4 × 139.7cm, 2019


Lars Elling was born in Trondheim, Norway in 1966. He attended Statens Høgskole for Kunsthåndverk og Design, Bergen, from 1988 to 1993. His artworks have been exhibited worldwide, including in various countries such as Germany, Italy, Norway, Austria, Denmark, France, and the United States. They have been widely featured in reviews, articles, and publications, receiving high acclaim from both domestic and international public institutions as well as private collectors. Public collections housing his work include the National Gallery, Oslo, Haugar Museum of Art, Trondheim Kunstmuseum, Arts Council Norway, Oslo, and Oslo Municipality. Lars Elling currently resides and works in Oslo, Norway.

马丁·戈兰,1975年生于法国蒙彼利埃,他于1998年获得康考迪亚大学(加拿大,蒙特利尔)艺术学士学位,并于2006年取得圭尔夫大学(加拿大,安大略)艺术硕士学位。他的作品曾在加拿大与世界各地展出,重要展览包括“Àdisòkàmagan:我们都成为故事”(渥太华美术馆,2018年)、“描绘灾难”(安大略伦敦博物馆,2013年)和 “第11届加拿大皇家银行年度绘画大赛”(加拿大国家美术馆,2010年)。他的作品还出现在众多评论、文章与出版物中。马丁·戈兰的创作已被收入加拿大、美国、德国和其他地区的公共与私人收藏

Martin Golland was born in Montpellier, France in 1975. Martin Golland received his MFA from the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada in 2006 and his BFA from Concordia University, Montreal in 1998. He has exhibited nationally and internationally, including “Adisokamagan: We All Become Stories” at the Ottawa Art Gallery (2018),  “Imaging Disaster” at Museum London, Ontario (2013) and the “11th Annual RBC painting Competition” at the National Gallery of Canada (2010). His work has been written about in numerous reviews, articles and publications. His work has been collected into public and private collections across Canada, USA, Germany, and abroad.
