The 4th Xinjiang·China International Art Biennial
张子康 Zhang Zikang
关音夫 Guan Yinfu
那顺巴图 Nashunbatu
2024.07.28 - 10.15
TRIUMPH GALLERY is pleased to announced artist Guan Yinfu, Nashunbatu and Xu Qu's work have been invited to exhibit at group exhibition PULSE OF THE HINTERLAND: The 4th Xinjiang·China International Art Biennial at Xinjiang Art Museum.
220×160×7.5cm, 2022
220×170cm, 2014-2015
关音夫,1975年生于黑龙江,2002 年毕业于中央戏剧学院舞台美术系舞台设计专业, 现生活工作于北京。
The art of Guan Yinfu is the kind of art that submits to, grasps, and utilizes materiality, allowing paint, the most commonplace material for painters, to vocalize in its own way. He emphasized the material volume and industrial homogeneity of paint, and based on this, he has engendered a sensual form that’s correspondent to today’s material world. Acrylic, polyurethane, stainless steel, plywood, wooden crates, and various mediums—these processed materials that often appear in Guan Yinfu’s works are familiar but redundant, abundant but homogenous, in contemporary Chinese urban life. In comparison to the increasingly digital and virtual society, they seem a bit outmoded and obsolete, which bestow them a sense of authenticity. This kind of experience emerges in his works as a sense of inertia—all of this creates a sense of installation in Guan Yinfu’s works, although the artist has never intentionally elucidated any social issue in his works.
那顺巴图,1969年出生于中国内蒙古鄂尔多斯,1989年毕业于内蒙古师范大学美术系,2000-2006年攻读德国布伦瑞克艺术大学(HBK) 研究生及艺术类博士(大师生),2006年荣获布鲁瑞克文化遗产大师生奖(SBK)。现生活工作于德国法兰克福,主要创作当代油画。
Formal analytic and thematic consideration of Nashunbatu’s work shows that the works articulate their quality at the two levels that are relevant to the medium of painting. A reflexive approach to the possibilities of painting after the end of painting, and a unique experience associatively legible at the thematic level, which can be read as a critical commentary on the current state of our relation to subject/self and the world, come together. The twin poles of the horizon of meaning in Nashun Nashunbatu’s art illustrates the potential of a contemporary approach to painting that interrelates a wide spectrum of relational fields and gives pictorial expression to virulent experiences of our condition as contemporary individuals.
徐渠,1978 年生于中国江苏 ,2008年获得布伦瑞克艺术大学艺术与电影专业硕士学位,现工作、生活于中国北京。
徐渠通过艺术实践传达其对社会的态度以及对世界的认知。他的创作核心在于探寻不同维度和领域内社会系统之间的相互关联。始于对社会现实敏锐深刻的洞察,徐渠由目光所及的细微处出发,见微知著,穿梭于不同价值体系和审美经验,延伸出对于社会系统运转间关联的反思。基于他对于自身思索凝练且清晰的呈现方式的追求,徐渠在艺术实践中针对不同议题选择适宜的媒介,他的艺术实践呈现出多元性,涉及绘画、行为、影像、 装置和雕塑等。
本届双年展以“腹地脉动”为主题,分主题展和平行展两部分。主题展由“数字驿站” “生态密码” “丝路智融” “合力共振” 四个主题单元构成,平行展为“共生之境—新疆百年美术的发生发展与当下艺术观察”,涉及全球14个国家艺术家的263件/组作品。主题展和平行展客观上形成了一种并置的学术关系,旨在将新疆的区位特质与国际视野形成共振和互补,在保持和凸显新疆区位优秀特质的同时,加入和丰富更加开阔的国际视野。
This year's biennale is themed “Pulse of the Hinterland” and is divided into two parts: the thematic and parallel exhibitions. The thematic exhibition consists of four units: “Digital Station,” “Ecological Cipher,” “Wisdom Integration of the Silk Road,” and “Collaborative Resonance.” The parallel exhibition, titled “Symbiotic Realm—100 Years of Xinjiang Art and Contemporary Observations,” features 263 pieces/groups of works by artists from 14 countries worldwide. The thematic and parallel exhibitions objectively create an academic relationship of juxtaposition, aiming to resonate and complement Xinjiang's regional characteristics with an international perspective. While highlighting and emphasizing Xinjiang's excellent regional traits, the exhibitions also incorporate and enrich broader global viewpoints.