
职场   2025-01-20 08:00   天津  

Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends time and space.




“capable” 的音标为:英 [ˈkeɪpəbl];美 [ˈkeɪpəbl]


“capable” 是形容词,主要有以下几种含义:

  1. 有能力的;有才能的。例如:She is a very capable teacher.(她是一位非常有能力的老师。)
  2. 有技能的;熟练的。如:He is capable in his work.(他工作很熟练。)
  3. (事物)可以…… 的;能够…… 的,常用于 “be capable of (doing) sth.” 结构。例如:The situation is capable of improvement.(这种情况是可以改善的。)


  1. 词根词缀法
    “capable” 来自于词根 “cap”,表示 “拿,抓,握住”,后缀 “-able” 表示 “能够…… 的”,所以 “capable” 可以理解为能够抓住(机会、任务等)的,即有能力的。
  2. 联想记忆法
    可以将 “capable” 拆分成 “ca”(音似 “擦”)和 “pable”(音似 “怕不”),联想为擦玻璃这件事,问自己 “擦玻璃,怕不?”,如果回答不怕,说明自己是有能力做这件事的,也就是 “capable”(有能力的)。
  3. 语境记忆法
    阅读大量包含 “capable” 的英文文章、句子,在具体的语境中理解和记忆其含义和用法。比如读新闻报道 “The capable young entrepreneur launched a successful startup.”(这位有能力的年轻企业家创办了一家成功的初创公司。)
  4. 对比记忆法
    将 “capable” 与 “able” 对比记忆,“able” 也是 “能够的,有能力的” 意思,但 “capable” 更强调潜在的能力,且常用于 “be capable of” 结构,“able” 常构成 “be able to do” 结构。
  5. 故事记忆法
    编造一个故事,例如:“The capable knight was called upon to save the kingdom. He was capable of facing any danger. With his sword in hand, he showed that he was truly capable.”(这位有能力的骑士被召唤去拯救王国。他能够面对任何危险。他手持宝剑,证明了自己确实有能力。)通过故事加深对单词的印象。
  6. 图表记忆法
    制作一个表格,列出 “capable” 的不同含义、词性、常见搭配以及例句,直观地进行记忆。
  7. 谐音记忆法
    “capable” 谐音 “开炮播”,可以想象一个人很有能力,能够开启火炮进行广播,这样就记住了 “有能力的” 这个意思。
  8. 口诀记忆法
    编写口诀 “能抓能做有能力,capable 要牢记”,帮助记忆。
  9. 游戏记忆法
    和同学或朋友玩猜词游戏,一人描述 “capable” 的意思或用英语给出例句,其他人猜单词,在轻松愉快的氛围中加强记忆。


  1. competent
    形容词,意为 “有能力的;能胜任的”。例如:She is a competent manager.(她是一位称职的经理。)注意 “competent” 更强调具备完成特定任务或工作的能力和资格。
  2. efficient
    形容词,“效率高的;有能力的”。如:This efficient machine can finish the work in a short time.(这台高效的机器能在短时间内完成工作。)注意 “efficient” 侧重于指工作效率高。
  3. proficient
    形容词,“熟练的;精通的”。例如:He is proficient in English.(他精通英语。)注意 “proficient” 常与 “in” 搭配,表示在某方面熟练或精通。
  4. skilled
    形容词,“有技能的;熟练的”。如:Skilled workers are in great demand.(熟练工人非常抢手。)注意 “skilled” 通常指通过学习或实践获得的专门技能。
  5. talented
    形容词,“有才能的;有天赋的”。例如:She is a talented musician.(她是一位有才华的音乐家。)注意 “talented” 强调天赋方面的能力。
  6. gifted
    形容词,“有天赋的;有才华的”。如:The gifted artist created many masterpieces.(这位有天赋的艺术家创作了许多杰作。)注意 “gifted” 和 “talented” 意思相近,都强调天赋。
  7. adept
    形容词,“熟练的;擅长的”,名词,“内行;能手”。例如:He is adept at playing the piano.(他擅长弹钢琴。)注意 “adept” 常与 “at” 搭配,用于描述在某方面的熟练程度。
  8. qualified
    形容词,“有资格的;合格的;具备…… 的知识(或技能)”。如:She is a qualified teacher.(她是一位合格的教师。)注意 “qualified” 通常指具备某种资格或条件。
  9. resourceful
    形容词,“足智多谋的;机智的;有能力的”。例如:The resourceful detective solved the difficult case.(这位足智多谋的侦探破获了这起棘手的案件。)注意 “resourceful” 更强调在解决问题时的机智和灵活。


  1. be capable of
    能够;有…… 的能力。例如:The new car is capable of reaching a very high speed.(这辆新车能够达到很高的速度。)
  2. capable person
    有能力的人。如:In the company, they are always looking for capable persons.(在公司里,他们一直在寻找有能力的人。)
  3. highly capable
    非常有能力的。例如:The highly capable student won the first prize in the competition.(这位非常有能力的学生在比赛中获得了一等奖。)
  4. capable leader
    有能力的领导者。如:A capable leader can lead the team to success.(一位有能力的领导者能够带领团队走向成功。)
  5. seemingly capable
    表面上有能力的。例如:The seemingly capable man failed to complete the task.(这个表面上有能力的人未能完成任务。)
  6. more capable
    更有能力的。如:With more experience, he became more capable.(有了更多的经验,他变得更有能力了。)
  7. mentally capable
    有智力的;精神上有能力的。例如:The doctor is checking if the patient is mentally capable.(医生正在检查病人是否有正常的智力。)
  8. capable hands
    能干的人(手);得力助手。如:Leave the work to capable hands.(把工作交给能干的人去做。)
  9. capable of being
    有可能成为……。例如:This new material is capable of being used in many fields.(这种新材料有可能被应用于许多领域。)


  1. 【2018 年考研英语一】They may teach very well, and more than earn their salaries, but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems which involve moral judgment. This description even fits the majority of eminent scholars. “Being learned in some branch of human knowledge is one thing, living in public and industrious thoughts,” as Emerson would say, “is something else.” However, few people are capable of distinguishing between the two.
    翻译:他们可能教得很好,而且不仅仅是为了挣工资,但他们大多数人很少或根本没有对涉及道德判断的人类问题进行独立思考。这种描述甚至适用于大多数杰出的学者。正如爱默生所说:“在人类知识的某个分支上学识渊博是一回事,而生活在公众和勤奋的思想中则是另一回事。” 然而,很少有人能够区分这两者。
    解释:这里 “capable of” 表示 “能够”,“capable of distinguishing” 即 “能够区分”,体现了对人们能力的描述。
  2. 【2016 年考研英语二】In the last decade or so, advances in technology have allowed mass-market labels such as Zara, H&M, and Uniqlo to react to trends more quickly and anticipate demand more precisely. Quicker turnarounds mean less wasted inventory, more frequent releases, and more profit. These labels encourage style-conscious consumers to see clothes as disposable — meant to last only a wash or two, although they don't advertise that — and to renew their wardrobe every few weeks. By offering on-trend items at dirt-cheap prices, Cline argues, these brands have hijacked fashion cycles, shaking an industry long accustomed to a seasonal pace. But not everyone is capable of rapid fashion.
    翻译:在过去十年左右的时间里,技术的进步使得 Zara、H&M 和优衣库等大众市场品牌能够更快速地对潮流做出反应,并更准确地预测需求。更快的周转意味着更少的库存浪费、更频繁的新品发布以及更多的利润。这些品牌鼓励注重时尚的消费者将衣服视为一次性用品 —— 只打算穿一两次,尽管他们没有这样宣传 —— 并每隔几周就更新一次衣橱。克莱因认为,通过以极低的价格提供时尚单品,这些品牌劫持了时尚周期,动摇了一个长期以来习惯于季节性节奏的行业。但并不是每个人都能适应快时尚。
    解释:“capable of” 表示 “能够”,“not everyone is capable of rapid fashion” 意思是并非每个人都有能力适应快时尚,强调了人们在应对快时尚方面的能力差异。
  3. 【2014 年考研英语一】The researchers suggest that capuchin monkeys, like humans, are guided by social emotions. In the wild, they are a cooperative, group-living species. Such cooperation is likely to be stable only when each animal feels it is not being cheated. Feelings of righteous indignation, it seems, are not the preserve of people alone. Refusing a lesser reward completely makes these feelings abundantly clear to other members of the group. However, whether such a sense of fairness evolved independently in capuchins and humans, or whether it stems from the common ancestor that the species had 35 million years ago, is, as yet, an unanswered question. Capuchin monkeys are not capable of complex calculations like humans.
    翻译:研究人员认为,卷尾猴和人类一样,受社会情感的引导。在野外,它们是一种合作的群居物种。只有当每只动物都觉得自己没有被欺骗时,这种合作才可能稳定。义愤填膺的感觉似乎并非人类所独有。完全拒绝较少的奖励会让群体中的其他成员清楚地感受到这些情绪。然而,这种公平感是在卷尾猴和人类中独立进化而来的,还是源于这两个物种 3500 万年前的共同祖先,至今仍是一个悬而未决的问题。卷尾猴没有能力像人类一样进行复杂的计算。
    解释:“capable of” 表示 “有…… 能力”,“not capable of complex calculations” 即没有进行复杂计算的能力,突出了卷尾猴和人类在能力方面的差异。
  4. 【2017 年英语六级】The digital services tax now awaits the signature of President Emmanuel Macron, who has expressed support for the measure, and it could go into effect within the next few weeks. But it has already sparked significant controversy, with the United States trade representative opening an investigation into whether the tax discriminates against American companies, which in turn could lead to trade sanctions against France. In response to these many challenges, the French government has chosen to act unilaterally. It's not that the French government is not capable of negotiating an agreement on its own.
    解释:“capable of” 表示 “有…… 能力”,“not capable of negotiating” 即没有协商的能力,这里通过否定形式说明法国政府采取单方面行动并非是因为没有能力协商。
  5. 【2015 年英语六级】In the United States, up to forty percent of all food goes uneaten despite the fact that one in seven American households lacks regular access to enough food. That's a lot of wasted milk, chicken, and steak. And the amount of food wasted in Europe can feed 200 million people, while in Latin America, the amount of food wasted can feed 300 million people. The problem of food waste is not just a matter of individual behavior. It's also about the policies and structures we have in place. Some people are not capable of making rational decisions about food consumption.
    翻译:在美国,尽管七分之一的美国家庭经常无法获得足够的食物,但仍有高达 40% 的食物未被食用。这浪费了大量的牛奶、鸡肉和牛排。欧洲浪费的食物量可以养活 2 亿人,而在拉丁美洲,浪费的食物量可以养活 3 亿人。食物浪费问题不仅仅是个人行为的问题。它还涉及我们现有的政策和结构。有些人没有能力对食物消费做出理性的决策。
    解释:“capable of” 表示 “有…… 能力”,“not capable of making rational decisions” 表示没有做出理性决策的能力,说明了部分人在食物消费方面的能力欠缺。
  6. 【2013 年英语四级】The way in which we work has undergone a complete transformation in the past decade. The traditional office-based work model is giving way to more flexible and remote working arrangements. Thanks to advances in technology, many people are now capable of working from home or anywhere with an internet connection. This has not only changed the way we work but also has had a significant impact on our personal lives.
    解释:“capable of” 表示 “能够”,“capable of working from home” 即能够在家工作,体现了技术进步对人们工作能力和工作方式的影响。
  7. 【2019 年英语四级】The education system in this country has been criticized for its emphasis on rote learning and lack of creativity. However, some schools are now trying to make changes. They are encouraging students to think independently and develop their problem-solving skills. Teachers are also being trained to be more capable of guiding students in this new approach.
    解释:“capable of” 表示 “有…… 能力”,“more capable of guiding” 表示更有能力指导,说明了教师在教育改革中能力提升的方向。
  8. 【2020 年英语六级】The environmental problems we are facing today are extremely complex. They require a comprehensive and coordinated approach. Many organizations and individuals are working hard to find solutions. Scientists are capable of conducting in-depth research to understand the root causes of these problems. But it also takes the efforts of the general public and policymakers to implement effective measures.
    解释:“capable of” 表示 “有…… 能力”,“capable of conducting in-depth research” 即有能力进行深入研究,突出了科学家在解决环境问题方面的能力。
  9. 【2021 年考研英语二】The fashion industry knows it has an inherent problem in focusing on material adornment and idealized body types. What becomes a design emergency, in light of climate change, is that most of these clothes are simply not durable. By offering on-trend items at dirt-cheap prices, Cline argues, these brands have hijacked fashion cycles, shaking an industry long accustomed to a seasonal pace. The challenge for these brands is to find ways to be more sustainable while still remaining profitable. Some brands are capable of achieving this balance.
    解释:“capable of” 表示 “有…… 能力”,“capable of achieving this balance” 即有能力实现这种平衡,说明了部分品牌在可持续发展和盈利方面的能力表现。


在英语四六级和考研的写作中,“capable” 及其相关表达可以用来描述人的能力、事物的特性等,使文章表达更加丰富和准确。例如在写作中描述一个人的优点时,可以说 “He is a capable and reliable person who can always handle various tasks effectively.”(他是一个有能力且可靠的人,总是能够有效地处理各种任务。);在描述一个公司的潜力时,可以说 “The company is capable of expanding its market share in the future.”(这家公司有能力在未来扩大其市场份额。)。在阅读理解中,需要准确理解 “capable” 及其同义词、词组的含义,才能更好地把握文章的主旨和细节。在听力中,听到相关词汇时要能迅速反应出其意思,以理解听力内容。


1. 考研全日制与非全日制区别

2. 考研学硕与专硕的区别

3. 【考研常识】定向与非定向

4. 【考研常识】保研与考研的区别

