
职场   2025-01-19 08:03   天津  

The faster you run, the greater the resistance to wind. Resistance and achievement.




英 [rɪˈzɪstəns];美 [rɪˈzɪstəns]


“resistance” 是名词,常见含义如下:

  1. 抵抗;反抗;抵制
    :指对某种力量、行为或观念的反对和抗拒。例如:The protesters showed strong resistance to the new law.(抗议者对新法律表现出强烈的抵制。)
  2. 抵抗力;抗性
    :可以指身体对疾病等的抵抗力,或材料对某种作用的抗性。如:The plant has a high resistance to drought.(这种植物具有很强的抗旱性。)
  3. 阻力
    :物理学中,指阻碍物体运动的力。例如:Air resistance affects the speed of a falling object.(空气阻力会影响下落物体的速度。)


  1. 词根词缀法
    “resistance” 的词根是 “sist”,表示 “站立”,前缀 “re-” 表示 “反,回”,合起来就是 “反着站立”,引申为 “抵抗,反抗”。例如 “insist”(坚持,词根 “sist”,in 表示 “在…… 里”,在里面站立不动,即坚持)。
  2. 拆分记忆法
    将 “resistance” 拆分成 “re”(看作 “热” 的拼音首字母) + “sis”(发音类似 “思思”) + “tance”(发音类似 “弹死”),联想为:热天里思思抵抗高温,结果被热得要 “弹死” 了。
  3. 语境记忆法
    阅读包含 “resistance” 的英文文章、句子,在具体语境中理解和记忆。比如读科普文章关于材料科学中材料的抗阻性,能更好记住 “阻力、抗性” 的含义。
  4. 对比记忆法
    与 “assistance”(帮助,援助)对比记忆,二者拼写相似但意思相反,“re-” 表反义,“as-” 表加强,一个是抵抗,一个是帮助。
  5. 故事记忆法
    编造一个故事,比如 “在战争时期,村民们对敌人的入侵进行了顽强的 resistance(抵抗),他们凭借智慧和勇气,一次次地击退了敌人”,通过故事加深印象。
  6. 发音记忆法
    根据音标 [rɪˈzɪstəns] ,多念几遍,记住每个音节对应的字母组合,利用发音来辅助拼写和记忆。
  7. 制作卡片记忆法
    把 “resistance” 写在卡片正面,释义、例句写在背面,随时拿出来复习,看到单词想释义,看到释义想单词。
  8. 联想生活场景记忆法
    比如想到健身时,肌肉对重量的抵抗,就联想到 “resistance” 的 “抵抗力” 含义。
  9. 串联记忆法
    将与 “resistance” 相关的词串联起来,如 “resist”(动词,抵抗)、“resistant”(形容词,抵抗的)、“resistibility”(名词,抵抗力),一起记忆,加深对同根词的理解和记忆。


  1. opposition
    [ˌɒpəˈzɪʃn] ,名词,意为 “反对;反抗;对立”。例如:There was strong opposition to the new policy.(对新政策有强烈的反对意见。)注意事项:“opposition” 更强调观点、立场上的对立,而 “resistance” 更侧重于实际行动上的抵抗。
  2. rebellion
    [rɪˈbeljən] ,名词,指 “叛乱;反抗;起义”。例如:The rebellion was finally put down by the government.(叛乱最终被政府镇压了。)注意:“rebellion” 通常用于大规模的、有组织的反抗政府或权威的行为,语义较重。
  3. protest
    [ˈprəʊtest] ,名词,有 “抗议;反对” 之意。例如:They held a protest against the war.(他们举行了一场反对战争的抗议活动。)注意:“protest” 常指通过集会、示威等公开形式表达反对。
  4. defiance
    [dɪˈfaɪəns] ,名词,意思是 “违抗;反抗;蔑视”。例如:His act of defiance made him a hero in the eyes of his friends.(他的反抗行为使他在朋友们眼中成为了英雄。)注意:“defiance” 更强调一种公然的、挑衅性的反抗态度。
  5. obstruction
    [əbˈstrʌkʃn] ,名词,“阻碍;妨碍;障碍物”。例如:The new road was built to avoid the obstruction of traffic.(修建这条新路是为了避免交通堵塞。)注意:“obstruction” 侧重于指对事物进展的阻碍,可指具体的障碍物或抽象的阻碍因素。
  6. hindrance
    [ˈhɪndrəns] ,名词,“妨碍;阻碍;障碍物”。例如:The lack of funds was a major hindrance to the project.(资金短缺是该项目的主要障碍。)注意:“hindrance” 常指给人或事物带来不便、妨碍其发展的因素。
  7. counteraction
    [ˌkaʊntərˈækʃn] ,名词,“反作用;对抗;抵制”。例如:The government took counteraction to the economic crisis.(政府对经济危机采取了应对措施。)注意:“counteraction” 强调针对某种行为或情况采取的相反的行动或抵制措施。
  8. repugnance
    [rɪˈpʌɡnəns] ,名词,“厌恶;反感;抵触”。例如:He felt a strong repugnance to the idea.(他对这个想法感到非常反感。)注意:“repugnance” 主要侧重于情感上的抵触和厌恶。
  9. antagonism
    [ænˈtæɡənɪzəm] ,名词,“对抗;敌对;对立”。例如:There is a long history of antagonism between the two groups.(这两个群体之间有长期的对立关系。)注意:“antagonism” 强调双方之间的敌对状态或对立情绪。


  1. put up resistance
    进行抵抗。例如:The soldiers put up a fierce resistance against the enemy's attack.(士兵们对敌人的进攻进行了激烈的抵抗。)
  2. meet with resistance
    遭到抵抗。如:The new reform measures met with strong resistance from some interest groups.(新的改革措施遭到了一些利益集团的强烈抵制。)
  3. resistance to
    对…… 的抵抗力;对…… 的抵制。例如:The body's resistance to disease can be improved through regular exercise.(通过经常锻炼可以提高身体对疾病的抵抗力。)
  4. offer resistance
    表示抵抗。例如:The villagers offered little resistance to the invaders.(村民们对入侵者几乎没有进行抵抗。)
  5. passive resistance
    非暴力抵抗。例如:The movement of passive resistance played an important role in the struggle for civil rights.(非暴力抵抗运动在争取民权的斗争中发挥了重要作用。)
  6. electric resistance
    电阻。例如:The electric resistance of this material is very low.(这种材料的电阻非常低。)
  7. overcome resistance
    克服阻力。例如:We need to find ways to overcome the resistance in the process of reform.(我们需要找到方法来克服改革过程中的阻力。)
  8. cultural resistance
    文化抵制。例如:There is some cultural resistance to the introduction of foreign values.(对于外国价值观的引入存在一些文化抵制现象。)
  9. face resistance
    面临阻力。例如:The company is facing strong resistance in the new market.(该公司在新市场上面临着强大的阻力。)


  1. 【2010 年考研英语真题】On the other hand, he did not accept as well founded the charge made by some of his critics that, while he was a good observer, he had no power of reasoning. This, he thought, could not be true, because the “Origin of Species” is one long argument from the beginning to the end, and has convinced many able men. No one, he submits, could have written it without possessing some power of reasoning. He was willing to assert that “I have a fair share of invention, and of common sense or judgment, such as every fairly successful lawyer or doctor must have, but not, I believe, in any higher degree.” He adds humbly that perhaps he was “superior to the common run of men in noticing things which easily escape attention, and in observing them carefully.” Darwin was convinced that his power of reasoning helped him overcome the resistance he faced in his scientific research.(达尔文坚信他的推理能力帮助他克服了在科学研究中所面临的阻力。)
  2. 【2015 年英语六级真题】Some people with a high BMI are in fact extremely fit, while others with a low BMI may be in poor health. For example, many collegiate and professional football players fall into the obesity category, despite their physical fitness. Conversely, someone with a small frame may have high body fat but a normal BMI. This has led to a great deal of confusion and resistance to the adoption of BMI as a guide to health.(这导致了大量的困惑以及对将身体质量指数(BMI)作为健康指南的抵制。)
  3. 【2018 年英语四级真题】The main opposition to the plan was from parents who did not want to see their children start school too early. They argued that young children are not ready for formal academic learning. There was also resistance from teachers who felt that the new curriculum would be too difficult for students at such a young age.(主要对该计划的反对来自那些不想看到自己孩子过早入学的家长。他们认为年幼的孩子还没有准备好接受正式的学术学习。教师们也表示抵制,他们觉得新课程对于这么小的学生来说太难了。)
  4. 【2012 年考研英语真题】The researchers made some calculations. They found that the principal requirement for what is called “global cascades” — the widespread propagation of influence through networks — is the presence not of a few influentials but, rather, of a critical mass of easily influenced people. The presence of these easily influenced people can reduce the resistance to the spread of new ideas.(这些易受影响人群的存在可以减少新思想传播的阻力。)
  5. 【2016 年英语六级真题】The concept of man versus machine is at least as old as the industrial revolution, but this phenomenon tends to be most acutely felt during economic downturns and fragile recoveries. And yet, it would be a mistake to think we are right now simply experiencing the painful side of a boom and bust cycle. Certain jobs have gone away for good, outmoded by machines. Since technology has such an insatiable appetite for eating up human jobs, this phenomenon will continue to restructure our economy in ways we can't immediately foresee. There is some resistance to this technological takeover in certain industries.(在某些行业中,存在着对这种技术接管的抵制。)
  6. 【2014 年英语四级真题】The students' focus was on making a positive impact on the community. The kinds of things that are naturally talked about tend to be things like arts and entertainment or sports and politics, or very serious issues like poverty in the world, or ways to make a difference in the world. The students faced some resistance when they first tried to implement their community service projects.(学生们在最初尝试实施他们的社区服务项目时遇到了一些阻力。)
  7. 【2017 年考研英语真题】The question of GDP and its usefulness has annoyed policymakers for over half a century. Many argue that it is a flawed concept. It measures things that do not matter and misses things that do. By most recent measures, the UK's GDP has been the envy of the Western world, with record low unemployment and high growth figures. If everything was going so well, then why did over 17 million people vote for Brexit, despite the warnings about what it could do to their country's economic prospects? One reason is that people do not measure their happiness in terms of GDP. They feel that the government has not done enough to address the issues they care about, and there is a growing resistance to the traditional economic indicators.(人们对传统经济指标的抵制情绪日益增长。)
  8. 【2013 年英语六级真题】Sustainable development is all about creating better health care, education, housing and improved standard of live for everyone. This is a lofty aim, but it can be surprisingly hard to find ways to measure it. There is resistance from some quarters to the idea of measuring progress in sustainability.(有些方面对衡量可持续发展进展的想法存在抵制。)
  9. 【2019 年英语四级真题】The company has been facing some resistance from investors who are concerned about the high cost of the new project. They worry that the investment may not yield the expected returns. However, the management believes that the long-term benefits of the project outweigh the short-term costs and resistance.(该公司一直面临着一些投资者的抵制,他们担心新项目的成本过高。他们担心投资可能无法产生预期的回报。然而,管理层认为该项目的长期利益大于短期成本和阻力。)


在英语四六级和考研的阅读理解中,“resistance” 及其同义词会频繁出现在涉及社会现象、科学研究、政策讨论等题材的文章里,考生需要准确理解其含义才能把握文章主旨和细节。在写作中,考生可以运用 “resistance” 及相关词组、同义词来丰富表达,如在讨论社会变革、教育改革、科技发展等话题时,描述人们对新事物的抵制、面临的阻力等情况。在翻译中,遇到类似 “抵抗”“阻力”“抵制” 等含义时,要根据语境准确选择 “resistance” 或其同义词进行翻译。


1. 考研全日制与非全日制区别

2. 考研学硕与专硕的区别

3. 【考研常识】定向与非定向

4. 【考研常识】保研与考研的区别

