平艺术空间:├三谷拓也 个展『炼金术』: 梦境、符号与寓言┤

文化   文化   2024-02-22 14:47   中国台湾  

三谷 拓也

炼金术: 梦境、符号与寓言


If the gods and goddesses in Greek mythology represent the primal forces governing the changes in the natural world and human behavior, 'alchemy' is the practical chemical process to achieve the transformation of matter, enhance wisdom, and pursue spiritual elevation.

平艺术在3月于台北画廊空间举办 日本当代胶彩工笔艺术家 三谷拓也 个展『炼金术』,展出共计15张作品。在三谷拓也的创作作品中,第一印象便是画面中美丽的少女,而在这些带着浓厚神秘色彩的画面下,是艺术家想要传递的,智慧的力量与精神的提升。

In March, the exhibition 'Alchemy' by contemporary Nihonga artist Takuya Mitani will be held at Ping Art Space in Taipei, featuring a total of 15 artworks. In Mitani's creations, the initial impression is the depiction of beautiful young girls. Yet, beneath these hauntingly beautiful images, subtle whispers of mystery convey the artist's intention to evoke the essence of wisdom and the transcendence of spirits.

金色绳索的约定 On the Tightrope

和纸 墨 颜料 粉彩 金箔 | 910x727 mm | 2018-2023


Wings, crowns, and eagles signify Zeus's power, while roses and mirrors represent Aphrodite's beauty and power of love. In Mitani's works, the battle of good and evil unfolds, revealing a pursuit beyond materialism, conveying the profound impact of love. 

雷霆偷盗者 I Didn't Steal the Thunder

和纸 墨 颜料 粉彩 | 727x606 mm | 2023

「盖尼米德向朱比特解释:『盗取雷霆的是埃默尔。』他的脚下破碎的容器液出琼浆蜜酒」-艺术家 三谷拓也 

"Ganymede explained to Jupiter, ""I didn't steal your thunder. It was Amor."" Sweet wine and nectar leaked out of the broken vases beneath his body." - Artist Takuya Mitani

风之精灵哈比亚 Harpy...My Hands are Dirty...

和纸 墨 颜料 铅笔 | 333x220 mm | 2022-2023

月下浆果 Husk Tomato

和纸 墨 颜料 粉彩 金箔 | 455x380 mm | 2019

誰欺騙了花朵?Deceived Flowers

和纸 墨 颜料 粉彩 | 410x242 mm | 2021-2023


The artist employs a fable-like approach, incorporating symbols and personal dreams into his visuals. The imagery prominently features black and gray elements, along with scenes portraying dismemberment and dislocation, all of which are integral to the impactful nature of the artwork.

灰与黑的预言 Fable of Ash and Black

和纸 墨 颜料 铅笔 | 333x242 mm | 2022-2023

「黑天鹅的凝视,美丽诱人却又令人不安」-艺术家 三谷拓也

"The black swan's gaze is captivating and beautiful yet unsettling." -Artist Takuya Mitani

被奪去羽翼之後 My Back Your Back

和纸 墨 颜料 铅笔 | 410x318 mm | 2021

"Momento mori" 这句古老的拉丁语—记得你将死去,而 "carpe diem" 則提醒著時間的流逝與不可逆,要人们活在当下。三谷拓也通过同时描绘 momento mori 与 carpe diem,用自己的创作语言探讨着生与死的议题。

"Momento mori," the ancient Latin phrase, implies 'remember that you will die'; "carpe diem" reminds us of the irreversible passage of time, urging people to live in the present. Takuya Mitani explores the themes of life and death in his own creative language by simultaneously depicting "momento mori" and "carpe diem".

星球上的舞者 Dancer on Certain Planet

和纸 墨 颜料 粉彩 银箔 | 910x652mm | 2018-2023

龙之梦 Memento of Dream Whale

和纸 墨 颜料 粉彩 | 606x455mm | 2020-2023

回忆梦境 Memento of Dream Panda

和纸 墨 颜料 粉彩 | 727x530 mm | 2020-2023

无限的祈愿 More than Enough "Hope"

和纸 墨 颜料 粉彩 | 1167x727 mm | 2024

绿野仙踪 (The Wizard of Oz) 故事当中,桃乐丝与叔叔、婶婶和小狗托托一起生活在一个农场里。有一天桃乐丝连同农场的房子一起被龙捲风吹到了矮人的王国。为了回到亲人身边,桃乐丝开启了一段奇妙旅行。途中桃乐丝救了稻草人,用一罐油让生鏽的锡人恢復生机,并鼓励懦弱的狮子和他们同行。这三个朋友各有他们的需求:稻草人想要大脑,锡人想要心脏,懦弱的狮子需要勇气,而桃乐丝想回到温暖的家。


In "The Wizard of Oz," Dorothy, along with her dog Toto, is swept away to the land of the Munchkins by a tornado. To find her way back home, she embarks on a journey and befriends the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion, each with their unique needs. The story symbolizes life's setbacks, emphasizing the enduring meaning of boundless hope. It illustrates how wisdom, courage, and love empower individuals to persevere and never give up hope.

三谷拓也 Takuya Mitani 个展 | 炼金术 Alchemy

展期 Duration:

2024.03.02 (六)—04.06 (六)

开幕 Opening:

2024.03.02 (六) 14:00

地点 Location:


   Ping Art Space 

No. 179, Sec. 2, An-He Rd., Daan Dist., Taipei


├ 平艺术空间:郭辉 游心 ┤

平艺术空间├|2023北京当代·艺术博览会-展位D17|新锐当代艺术家 : 徐书涵 HSU SHU HAN|┤









website: www.artping.com.tw

tel: +886-2-2738-3317

mail: pingartspace@foxmail.com
