
文化   文化   2024-01-25 14:53   中国台湾  


"My works are driven by sudden curiosity, a strong and ambitious desire to express myself. Unaffected by external or internal factors, unrestrained by time and space, I often experience inner turmoil. While I pursue purity, elegance, and beauty inspired by daily fantasies, I also embrace elements of destruction and darkness on the canvas. These conflicting elements are essential as I seek to narrate a compelling story through my art." 

– 艺术家 artist 

三谷拓也 Takuya Mitani 


Born in 1985 in Tottori, Japanese artist Takuya Mitani graduated from Nagoya University. After serving as a film lighting technician for several years, he decided to depart from his beloved career in the film industry to concentrate on his artistic endeavors.


Takuya Mitani excels in portraying stories through characters. Using traditional techniques like blending glue with natural mineral powders on Japanese paper, he outlines with ink and colored pencils. The artwork captures the beauty of protagonists and scenes while maintaining an eerie atmosphere. His exquisite brushwork, presented in a surrealistic style, challenges viewers' perceptions, seeking a deeper truth.


Takuya Mitani's artwork explores the clash between reality and dreams, featuring fantastical creatures and dismembered body parts. With meticulous craftsmanship, he creates a theatrical atmosphere, blending elements to evoke surrealism, delivering visual conflict and impact.

源自于古罗马时期的拉丁语 “momento mori” 记得你将死去,这句用来提醒人们生命的短暂和死亡的不可避免性,而诗人荷拉斯 (Horace) 的诗歌中出现的 “Carpe diem”,要人们应该要活在当下,因为时间是无法回头的,把握机会,不要错过生活中的美好时刻。骷颅、时钟、烛台,三谷拓也试图通过同时描绘 Momento mori 与 Carpe diem 来体现『生与死的自然史书』

Originating from the ancient Roman era, "memento mori" reminds us of life's brevity, while Horace's "Carpe diem" urges living in the present. Takuya Mitani combines these themes through depictions of skulls, clocks, and candlesticks, aiming to illustrate the natural history of life and death.

Golden Memory Branches

我曾经有一个梦想,如果我能将记忆从大脑中取出并保存下来,它会以什麽形式呈现呢? 它是一根金色的树枝,我觉得如果我把它放在书架上、浴室的小架子上、客厅桌子上的花瓶里,或者放在我最喜欢的肩袋里闪耀,它会为我的生活增添光彩。

I once dreamt of extracting and preserving memories as a golden branch. Imagining it on a bookshelf, bathroom rack, living room table, or shining in my favorite shoulder bag, just for it to add a little brilliance to my life.

The Girl Who Heard Tycho's Monologue


The girl heard a man with an artificial nose among the neighbors said, "Tonight, three fireballs will fall from the sky." Being too scared to sleep, she hid in the jewelry box with everyone else.

三谷拓也作品展,近期将于 平艺术空间 展出


Takuya Mitani's exhibition 

at PING Art Space coming soon !

©️ 图片版权艺术家所有



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平艺术空间七户優个展:凝|刹那与永恒 ┤十二年后再次于台北相遇

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PING Art Space



PING Fine Chinese Art & Co.




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