详细介绍👉 【精批精改·新写作】托福写作团 | 开放报名·可随到随学!
详情👉 【精批+精改】第174期托福写作团(12.22~1.11/元旦放假1天)·开放报名!可随到随学!
Day8 学习清单
• 任务一: 工作类话题类素材学习
• 任务二:展开方法(一)-因果解释
• 任务三:打卡作业
任务二:文段展开学习 development
分论点:Providing free childcare services would significantly alleivate the financial strain on families with children. 分论点: It is crucial to provide free childcare services for parents because these families face a significant economic burden. 分论点: When students are passionate about their field, they are more likely to excel academically in college. 分论点:Requiring teachers to take courses to update their knowledge would further intensify the already heavy workload of teachers.
B. 思考下面展开思路是否有问题?
(2) 视频学习·展开方法:
(⭕️ 以后会反复多次回来看)
分论点:Providing free childcare services would significantly alleivate the financial strain on families with children. 解释-原因:Providing childcare services for all children under the age of four is a substantial expense, not a small task. (细节)In our country, parents must pay at least $1,000 in fees to send their child to a well-equipped nursery with qualified teachers or to hire a certified babysitter. This cost is equivalent to an individual's average monthly income, forcing many parents to live frugally to manage these expenses. (解释-结果:By implementing such measures, the government would ensure that parents no longer need to cut back significantly on their spending to afford childcare. They can reallocate their finances towards improving their living standards, saving for the future, or investing in their children’s education beyond early childhood.)
分论点: This is crucial as these families face a significant economic burden. 解释-原因:Providing childcare services for all children under the age of four is a substantial expense, not a small task. (细节) parents are required to pay at least $1,000 in fees to…. Therefore, if the government were to proactively offer free or low-cost childcare services, parents would not have to live under such financial constraints.
1. 在薪水较低但与同事或客户有频繁交流的工作中,员工可能需要挤出时间参加培训课程,以保持与不断变化的就业市场同步。
填空:In a lower-paying job that allows for regular interaction with colleagues or customers, employees might need to ___________ for ___________ to ___________ the ever-evolving job market.
2. 在高薪但人际交往少的工作中,员工可能会遭受孤独的痛苦,时间似乎变得异常缓慢。
填空:In high-paying jobs with little human interaction, employees may ___________ loneliness, and ___________.
3. 为了维持生计,许多人不得不选择薪水高但人际交往少的工作。
填空:To ___________, many choose high-paying jobs with little human interaction.
4. 低薪工作通常涉及长时间通勤,员工可能需要在拥挤的火车车厢或堵塞的道路上消磨时间。
填空:Lower-paying jobs often involve long commutes, where employees spend time in ___________ or on ___________.
1. squeeze time, training sessions, stay updated with
2. suffer the agonies of, time seems to slow to a crawl(名词)/ time seems too slow to crawl(动词)
3. make ends meet
4. cramped railway carriages, gridlocked roads
要求:1. 计时; 2. 字数在100~200字以内
👉第52期托福阅读团(12.16~1.6/元旦放假1天)| 开放报名! 超多真题+精细讲解!