A boy in Zizhong county, Neijiang in Southwest China's Sichuan Province threw a firecracker into a septic tank on Thursday, causing a methane explosion that damaged several vehicles. No casualties were reported, and authorities tracked down the boy within an hour. Police have launched an investigation into the incident, China Media Group reported.在四川内江市资中县,一名男孩于周四将鞭炮扔进化粪池,引发甲烷爆炸,导致多辆汽车受损。据央视新闻报道,所幸目前尚无人员伤亡,相关部门在事发后一小时内便找到了这名男孩,并已对此事展开调查。 The incident quickly gained widespread attention online, briefly becoming the top trending topic on China's Sina Weibo, amassing over 80.86 million views. A video of the explosion posted by China Media Group on short-video platform Douyin has garnered over 79,000 comments.该事件迅速在网络上发酵,一度冲上新浪微博热搜榜,浏览量超过8086万次。同时,央视新闻在短视频平台抖音上发布的爆炸现场视频,也引发了超过7.9万条网友评论。 Similar incidents involving children igniting firecrackers and inadvertently triggering explosions have raised growing safety concerns. On Monday, in Dazu district of Southwest China's Chongqing Municipality, a young girl set off a firecracker on top of a manhole cover, triggering a biogas explosion. She was injured in the blast. Authorities confirmed on Tuesday, the eve of the Spring Festival, that her injuries were not life-threatening.近期,儿童因点燃鞭炮而意外引发爆炸的事件频发,引发了公众对安全问题的广泛关注。例如,在我国西南部的重庆市大足区,一名小女孩在窨井盖上点燃鞭炮,结果引发沼气爆炸,致其受伤。好在相关部门在春节前夕确认,她的伤势并无生命危险。 In February 2023, in Luohe city, Central China's Henan Province, two children set off firecrackers on a manhole cover, which led to an explosion that shattered the cover. Tragically, the accident claimed the life of one child and left another injured.类似的事故还发生在2023年2月的我国中部河南省漯河市,当时两名儿童在窨井盖上点燃鞭炮,引发爆炸,导致一名儿童不幸身亡,另一名儿童受伤。 Officials continue to caution the public about the dangers of flammable gases in sewage systems and stress the need for parental supervision during festive periods. China Fire and Rescue, for instance, has recently issued multiple safety alerts via its official WeChat account, highlighting the risks of setting off firecrackers in hazardous environments.针对这些事件,相关部门不断提醒公众注意下水道等环境中的易燃气体,并强调家长在节日期间应加强对孩子的监管。例如,中国消防救援部门最近通过其官方微信公众号发布了多条安全警报,着重指出在危险环境中燃放鞭炮的潜在风险。