2023-2024美国经济学工作市场候选人 第40期-UC-San Diego 第5期

文摘   2024-11-23 22:29   辽宁  

JMP专栏:UC-San Diego 第5期






本期是工作市场候选人信息第40期内容,也是 UC-San Diego 第5期内容。

Jinhyeon Han

University of California San Diego

Research interests

Labor, Innovation Economics

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Job market paper

Consequences of Indian Import Penetration in the US Pharmaceutical Market

Indian pharmaceutical firms vastly increased generic drug exports to Western countries, and particularly the United States, in response to India amending its patent protection law in 2005. This paper demonstrates that Indian import penetration in the U.S. pharmaceutical industry was stronger among drugs that included active pharmaceutical ingredients which Indian firms had the capability to manufacture before 2005. These 'treated' drugs experienced a larger drop in prices and increased competition from Indian firms. However, non-Indian firms responded to the trade shock by exiting 'treated' drugs, in that they were more likely to discontinue and less likely to newly register 'treated' drugs. This strategic change was stronger for firms with larger shares of drug sales exposed to Indian import penetration. Rather than exploring new pharmaceutical ingredients, non-Indian firms opted to continue selling drugs they already had experience producing. The law change also led to disruptions in foreign supply chains, with 'treated' drugs facing more drug shortages. These findings show how competition in the pharmaceutical industry is shaped by supply side shocks and how a trade-driven influx of competition could crowd out incumbent firms.

Songyu He

University of California San Diego

Research interests

Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Microeconomic Theory

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Job market paper

An Axiomatic Test for Salience and Regret Theory

Salience and regret theories describe how the manipulation of relative differences between potential outcomes of risky options affects individuals’ decisions. In this project, I present axiomatizations for both theories. The axioms for salience theory formulate hypotheses concerning preferences for a large difference in outcomes compared to the summation of smaller differences that partitions it. To test these axioms, we conduct an online experiment with 800 participants. The current experiment finds supportive evidence for both theories at the aggregate level. However, there’s notable heterogeneity in the results: The violation rates of our main hypotheses are between 39% to 72%

Frances Lu

University of California San Diego

Research interests

Development Economics, Labor Economics

Personal website


Job market paper

Intergenerational Persistence in Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence from African Women

Violence against women by male partners is a pervasive global human rights violation and public health issue with large economic and social costs. The intergenerational persistence of intimate partner violence (IPV) victimization holds important implicatio ns for inequality and its long - term survival. We estimate mother - daughter associations in IPV victimization using representative survey data from 16 countries in Sub - Saharan Africa, a region of the world with particularly high IPV rates. We find that persi stence is large in both levels and relative magnitudes. Women who report that their mother was physically abused by their father are 26 percentage points (1.9x) more likely to report physical or sexual violence from their current spouse. We then explore th e role of cultural transmission. We find robust evidence for parental socialization, where daughters’ exposure to interparental violence increases their reported acceptability of IPV, and mixed evidence for the role of assortative matching in the marriage market on these attitudes.

供稿 | 翁煜晗

编辑 | 翁煜晗

审核 | 张毅
