2025-01-17 21:59
“外交部发言人办公室”消息,在1月17日外交部例行记者会上,路透社记者提问:我想问一个关于中国公民被困缅甸的问题。最近这些人的家属在中国社交平台上发布求救信息,包括一份涵盖上千条被困人员信息的文档。请问外交部如何看待这些家属发布的求助信息?如何看待跨境电诈及与其相关的人口贩卖、绑架虐待事件?Reuters: I have a question about Chinese citizens trapped in Myanmar. Recently, their families have posted messages seeking for help on domestic social media platforms, including a shared document containing the information of thousands of people trapped. How does the Foreign Ministry view the posting for help from these families as well as cross-border telecom fraud and related human trafficking, kidnapping and abuse?郭嘉昆:1月16日,中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅在北京会见东盟10国驻华使节时表示,近期在泰缅边境一带连续发生网赌电诈恶性案件,威胁并伤害中国等各国公民切身利益,需要引起高度重视。希望相关国家负起责任,采取强有力措施,坚决打击网赌电诈,维护人民群众生命财产安全,绝不允许犯罪分子逍遥法外。Guo Jiakun: In a meeting with diplomatic envoys from 10 ASEAN countries in Beijing on January 16, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi said that a series of vicious cases of online gambling and telecom fraud along the Thailand-Myanmar border recently have threatened and harmed the vital interests of citizens of China and other countries, a situation that needs to be taken seriously. It is hoped that relevant countries will step up to their responsibility and take strong measures to resolutely crack down on these crimes, safeguard the safety of people’s life and property, and never allow criminals to go unpunished.我愿进一步指出,中国政府坚决打击电信网络诈骗犯罪,坚决打击跨境违法犯罪活动,坚决保护中国公民合法权益。我们也一贯要求海外中国公民严格遵守当地法律法规,不从事违法犯罪活动。I’d like to stress that the Chinese government stands firm in combating crimes of telecom and online fraud, fighting cross-border illegal and criminal activities and protecting the lawful rights and interests of Chinese citizens. We also ask Chinese citizens overseas to strictly abide by local laws and regulations and refrain from engaging in any illegal and criminal activities.近一时期,中国同有关国家密切合作,摧毁了一大批跨国犯罪团伙。中方将继续深化国际执法合作,加大力度打击电诈网赌、人口贩卖等跨境违法犯罪活动。In a recent period of time, China has worked closely with relevant countries to bust a large group of cross-border criminal gangs. China will continue to deepen international law-enforcement cooperation and take tougher steps to combat cross-border illegal and criminal activities including online gambling and telecom fraud and human trafficking.我们将继续会同主管部门,指导驻外使领馆妥善处置涉及海外中国公民的案件,在职责范围内为当事人及家属提供必要协助。希望每位公民也增强防范意识,做好自我保护,凝聚合力,共同铲除网赌电诈等社会“毒瘤”。We will continue to work in collaboration with competent authorities to guide our diplomatic missions to properly handle cases involving Chinese citizens overseas and provide necessary assistance to the individuals concerned and their families within our duty. We also hope that our fellow Chinese will take extra safety precautions to protect themselves and join in our effort to end the scourge of online gambling and telecom fraud.