2025-01-16 22:52
“外交部发言人办公室”消息,在1月16日外交部例行记者会上,新华社记者提问:我们注意到中国日前向《联合国气候变化框架公约》秘书处提交了第一次双年透明度报告和第四次两年更新报告。报告介绍了中国应对气候变化自主贡献进展,减缓气变的政策行动及减排效果,全面展现了中国应对气变的成效。发言人如何评价近年来中国在应对气候变化全球治理中发挥的作用?Xinhua News Agency: China has recently submitted to the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) the first biennial transparency report and the fourth biennial update report. The two reports give an overview of China’s achievements in climate response, including progress in realizing nationally determined contribution targets, rolling out climate mitigation policies, and cutting emissions. What’s your comment on China’s role in global climate governance in recent years?郭嘉昆:气候变化是重大全球性挑战。中国历来高度重视应对气候变化,是《联合国气候变化框架公约》首批缔约方之一,也是最早签署和批准《巴黎协定》的国家之一。此次提交的两份报告,信息分享透明专业,多维度展现了中国气候治理的政策举措、成效和经验。Guo Jiakun: Climate change is a major global challenge. China attaches great importance to climate response and is one of the first countries to become a party to the UNFCCC and to sign and ratify the Paris Agreement. The two reports that China submitted recently reflect its transparency and professionalism on information sharing, and showcase various dimensions of China’s policies, measures, results and experience in climate governance.两份报告的背后,是中国积极应对气候变化、深入参与气候变化全球治理的决心与行动。中国推动绿色发展的脚步从未停歇。报告显示,2021年,我国单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比2005年(国家自主贡献基年)下降50.9%。公开数据显示,2023年底,我国可再生能源发电装机历史性超过火电。中国推动全球低碳转型的努力从未松懈,仅2023年出口的风电光伏产品,就帮助有关国家减碳达8.1亿吨。The reports offer a glimpse of China’s resolve in and actions on actively responding to climate change and deeply engaging in global climate governance. China has never stopped promoting green development. The reports mentioned that in 2021, CO2 emissions per unit of GDP dropped by 50.9 percent compared with 2005 (the base year of nationally determined contributions). As public data shows, at the end of 2023, China’s installed renewable energy capacity surpassed the thermal power capacity for the first time in history. China has never let up in its effort to promote global low-carbon transition. In 2023 alone, the wind and photovoltaic products exported by China helped relevant countries cut 810 million tonnes of CO2.气候变化需要各国合力应对。中方愿同各方一道,坚持共同但有区别的责任原则,践行真正的多边主义,以绿色发展守护人类共有的蓝色星球。Climate change requires a global response. China stands ready to work with all parties to uphold the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, practice true multilateralism, and promote green development to protect the blue planet that we all call home.