2025-01-07 23:39
“外交部发言人办公室”消息,在1月7日外交部例行记者会上,总台央视记者提问:昨晚,2025年金砖主席国巴西表示,印度尼西亚已成为金砖正式成员。本月1日,哈萨克斯坦、马来西亚、古巴、玻利维亚等多国成为金砖伙伴国。不少媒体认为金砖国家迈入“大金砖合作”的新时代,对下步全球南方团结合作、完善全球治理发挥重要影响。发言人对此有何评论?CCTV: Last night, the 2025 BRICS chair Brazil announced that Indonesia has become a full member of BRICS. On January 1, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Cuba, Bolivia and many other countries became BRICS partners. Media commentators say that BRICS has entered a new era of “greater BRICS cooperation”, and will have an important impact on the solidarity and cooperation of the Global South and efforts to better the global governance system. What is China’s comment?Guo Jiakun: China warmly welcomes the new addition to the BRICS family.金砖合作机制诞生于新兴市场国家和发展中国家群体性崛起的历史大潮中,符合国际社会对维护世界和平、促进共同发展、完善全球治理的期待。成立近20年来,金砖国家人口已占全球近一半,经济总量占比超三成,对世界经济增长贡献率超过50%。金砖合作机制代表性、感召力、影响力不断提升,已经成为促进全球南方团结合作的重要平台、推动全球治理体系变革的重要力量。The BRICS cooperation mechanism came into being amidst the collective rise of emerging markets and developing countries. It is also what the world would like to see in the interest of peace, the world’s common development and better global governance. Almost two decades on since the launch of BRICS, it now accounts for nearly half of the global population, more than a third of the global economy and more than half of the world’s economic growth. BRICS’s representation, appeal and influence have been rising. BRICS has become a vital platform for promoting solidarity and cooperation of the Global South and a major force driving the reform of the global governance system.中方愿与金砖各国一道,秉持开放包容、合作共赢的精神,促进“大金砖合作”高质量发展,共同倡导平等有序的世界多极化和普惠包容的经济全球化,推动构建人类命运共同体。“大金砖合作”大有可为、未来可期!China stands ready to work with all BRICS members to embrace the spirit of openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation, advance the high quality development of greater BRICS cooperation, jointly advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world and promote the building of a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, and a community with a shared future for all. The future holds tremendous promise for greater BRICS cooperation.