2025-01-03 10:16
“外交部发言人办公室”消息,在1月2日外交部例行记者会上,外交部发言人毛宁表示:今天是新年伊始外交部第一场例行记者会,很高兴在这里发布中国担任上海合作组织轮值主席国徽标。Welcome to the first regular press conference of the Foreign Ministry in the new year. It is my great pleasure to unveil the logo of China’s SCO presidency.轮值主席国徽标以上合组织徽标为主体,同中国特色有机结合。主席国口号“弘扬‘上海精神’:上合组织在行动”以中俄英三种文字环状嵌入其中。源自先秦时期青铜器纹饰的云雷纹和夔龙纹环绕四周,古朴庄严。纹饰以连续的“回”字形线条构成,寓意充满希望、生生不息。纹饰主色调是大地色和杏金色,表达上合组织扎根沃土、前景光明,兼具定力与活力。The logo combines the SCO logo with unique Chinese features. It contains China’s SCO presidency slogan “Upholding the Shanghai Spirit: SCO on the Move” in Chinese, Russian and English, circled by interlocking traditional Chinese decorative patterns resembling cloud, thunder and dragon found on bronze ware of China’s pre-Qin period (before 221 BC) to symbolize never-ending hope. The earthy and golden colors of the outer circles indicate that the SCO is solidly rooted and enjoys a golden future, a combination of determination and dynamism.总台CGTN记者提问:介绍中提到,徽标中嵌入了“弘扬‘上海精神’:上合组织在行动”主席国工作口号。发言人能否介绍中方提出上述口号的考虑?CGTN: You mentioned just now that the slogan of China’s SCO presidency “Upholding the Shanghai Spirit: SCO on the Move” is integrated into the logo. Can you brief us on China’s considerations behind the slogan?毛宁:中国是“上海精神”的首倡者,更是弘扬“上海精神”的行动派。我们将“行动”作为主席国工作的关键词,就是要以更加务实的举措和更加进取的姿态,不断提升上合组织政治、安全、经济、人文领域合作水平,完善组织运作机制,构建上合组织命运共同体,拓展共赢发展新空间。Mao Ning: China is the initiator of the Shanghai Spirit and a doer in translating the Shanghai Spirit into action. By making “action” a key word in the work of China’s presidency, we are committed to taking more practical steps and being more proactive in further enhancing SCO cooperation in the political, security, economic and people-to-people and cultural domains, improving SCO mechanism, building a SCO community with a shared future and opening up new space for win-win development.进入2025年,主席国工作也在加速推进。中方将主办一届友好、团结、成果丰硕的上合组织峰会,以及40余场机制性会议。此外,我们还将举办上合组织政党论坛、减贫和可持续发展论坛、民间友好论坛暨友好城市论坛、国际投资贸易博览会等大型活动,以及上合组织国家电影节、电视节、艺术节、青年创新创业大赛、书法大赛、雕塑邀请赛、“上合之夏”等品牌活动。欢迎各位记者朋友积极关注和报道。As we enter the year of 2025, China is advancing its work of SCO presidency at a faster pace. China will host a SCO summit featuring friendship, solidarity and fruitful outcomes, as well as more than 40 institutionalized meetings. Besides, China will hold major events, including the SCO Political Parties Forum, Forum on Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development, Forum on People-to-People Friendship and the Forum on Friendship Cities, and SCO International Investment and Trade Expo, as well as flagship events including the SCO Film Festival, Television Festival, Art Festival, Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, Chinese Calligraphy Competition, Sculpture Tournament and SCO Summer Event. You are welcome to stay tuned and cover the events.