
文摘   2024-09-05 12:03   北京  
Call for Papers 

Special Topic on Quantum Information

A Special Topic on Quantum Information for SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences (Impact Factor: 7.3) will be dedicated to the new progress in the field of quantum information. Prospective authors are invited to submit their review articles or original unpublished research papers. The main purpose of this special focus is to reflect the important frontier research fields or the high-quality research in quantum information science and technology. Topics of interest for this special focus include, but are not limited to:

  • Quantum Communication

  • Quantum Computation and Simulation

  • Quantum Imaging and Sensing

  • Quantum Metrology

  • Quantum devices

  • Quantum Machine Learning

  • Quantum Information Theory

  • Quantum Algorithm

  • Quantum thermodynamics


The papers should be edited in the SCIS template, and submitted online through the manuscript submission system ofSCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences. The submission website is https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/scis. You should choose “Special Topic on Quantum Information”. Information and guidelines on the preparation of manuscripts are available on the journal website: http://scis.scichina.com.

Important Dates:
Submission deadline: December 31, 2024

Acceptance notification: May 15, 2025

Final manuscripts due: June 15, 2025

Online publication: July 15, 2025

Publication: August 1, 2025

Guest Editors:

Prof. Weiping Zhang, 
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 

Prof. Zhengwei Zhou, 
University of Science and Technology of China, 

Prof. Xiaolong Su, 
Shanxi University, 

Prof. Jinshi Xu, 
University of Science and Technology of China, 


Executive Editor:

Dr. Jing Feng, 
Science China Press, 


SCIS精选 | 量子信息文章合辑

《中国科学:信息科学》及其英文版《Science China Information Sciences》的宣传平台。