征稿启事 | 面向5GA/6G网络的分布式卫星系统专题(英文版)

文摘   科技   2024-08-31 07:04   北京  

SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences

Call for Papers

Special Topic: Cohesive Clustered Satellites System for 5GA and 6G Networks


With the swift progress of ultra-dense low Earth orbit (LEO) constellations and advent of cost-effective manufacturing in commercial aerospace, clustered satellites are poised to aggregate the service capabilities of conventional payload-integrated single satellite platforms to form an ultra-cohesive virtual satellite, emerging as a critical spatial information infrastructure for augmenting space resource efficiency. The cohesive clustered satellites (CCS) system utilizes cooperative control, functional integration, information interconnection, resource sharing, and native artificial intelligence (AI) to achieve synergistic multi-satellite functions and space-ground coordinated transmission. The CCS system enables flexible responses to the on-demand services for emerging satellite Internet of Things (S-IoT) and future integrated navigation-remote sensing-communication applications, holding significant application prospects in Earth observation and even in the China Lunar exploration project. 

Though some progress has been made in related technologies, the CCS system still faces a variety of technological challenges and design issues that have delayed its practical implementation. First, how to ensure collision avoidance and flexible configuration switching capabilities is a vital issue that needs to be addressed in CCS. This must be accomplished through satellite autonomous formation design, reconfiguration, control maintenance, and intelligent synchronization techniques while adhering to stringent constraints on payload resources and system security. Second, the topology, scale, and interconnection relationships of satellites in CCS undergo highly dynamic changes, necessitating the design of stable, efficient, and scalable intelligent networking and communication technologies such as high-speed transmission, reliable routing, and access control. These measures ensure the quality of service in CCS. Third, heterogeneous computational resources are diverse and ubiquitous in CCS, necessitating the system to handle a substantial volume of data generated, exchanged, and managed across heterogeneous network layers and within layers. This presents new challenges for key capabilities in cohesive heterogeneous resource management, including dynamic resource management, resource scheduling orchestration, heterogeneous resource adaptation, and intelligent algorithmic support. Moreover, security protection still has not yet received sufficient attention though it is a key issue in CCS. It is imperative to integrate inherent security capabilities within 6G networks, supporting data collection, management, and isolation. Leveraging distributed ML (DML), including federated learning (FL) to achieve decentralized secure and trustworthy mechanisms is yet to be addressed. In addition, the testbed design, implementation, and deployment for CCS play a vital role in validating system architectures and conducting ground equivalence and in-orbit verification.

This Special Issue (SI) seeks theoretical foundations and original technical contributions that address the latest advances and challenges in cohesive clustered satellites network. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:• 6G-enabled CCS system architecture design and analysis

• Formation flying and synchronization in CCS

• Cooperative control for CCS

• Cooperative communication for CCS

• Cooperative computing for CCS

• Information-centric networking in CCS

• Communication and computing resource allocation and management in CCS

• Virtualization and pooling of heterogeneous resources in CCS

• Federated Learning for secure information sharing in CCS

• Testbed design, implementation, and deployment for CCS


The papers should be prepared using the SCIS template, and should be submitted online through the manuscript submission system of the SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences. The submission website:


You should choose Special Topic: Cohesive Clustered Satellites System for 5GA and 6G Network. Information and guidelines on preparation of manuscripts are available on the journal website: http://scis.scichina.com.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: 30 November 2024
Acceptance notification: 1 April 2025
Final manuscripts due: 30 April 2025Publication: TBD(1 August 2025)

Guest Editors

Jian JIAO, Harbin Institute of Technology
Qinyu ZHANG, Harbin Institute of Technology
Ye WANG, Peng Cheng Laboratory
Xiongwen HE, Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering

Yonghui LI, The University of Sydney

Haiyan YANG, Scientific Editor

SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences Editorial Office







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