征稿启事 | 大模型使能技术与前沿应用(英文版)

文摘   科技   2024-09-04 12:00   北京  

SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences

Call for Papers

Special Topic: Enabling Techniques and Cutting-Edge Applications of Foundation Models 


A special topic of the SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences (SCIS, IF: 7.3) will be dedicated to new advances in enabling techniques and cutting-edge applications of foundation models. Prospective authors are invited to submit their original unpublished research and application works. The main purpose of this special topic is to publish the state-of-the-art theories, methods, and applications of foundation models.

All classes of foundation models will be considered, including (but not limited to): fundamental theories behind foundation models, exploration of novel network architectures, training and optimization techniques (e.g., instruction fine-tuning, super alignment), foundation model-based agent, multimodal foundation models and etc. All problem domains will be considered, including (but not limited to): retrieval-augmented generation, security and trustworthiness, lightweight accelerated inference, and privacy preserving.

We particularly welcome papers at the intersection of foundation models and practical applications, such as the integration of foundation models with domain-specific data (e.g., time series) and their applications in AI4Science, education, healthcare.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

• Fundamental theories behind emergent capacities

• Exploration of novel network architectures

• Training and optimization techniques (instruction fine-tuning, super alignment and etc.)

• Multimodal foundation models

• Foundation model based intelligent agent 

• Retrieval-augmented generation 

• Lightweight accelerated inference for foundation models

• Security and trustworthiness of foundation models (e.g., privacy-preserving, fairness, explanation, and etc.)

• Verification of capacity of foundation models

• Real world applications in AI4Science, education, healthcare


The papers should be prepared using the SCIS template, and should be submitted online through the manuscript submission system of the SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences. The submission website:


You should choose Special Topic: Enabling Techniques and Cutting-Edge Applications of Foundation Models (2024). Information and guidelines on preparation of manuscripts are available on the journal website: http://scis.scichina.com.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: 30 November 2024

First-round decision notification: 1 month after submission

First online publication: 1 month after acceptance (can be indexed in SCI)

Publication: April 01, 2025 

Guest Editors

Liping JING, Beijing Jiaotong University

Qi LIU, University of Science and Technology of China

Min-Ling ZHANG, Southeast University


Fei SONG, Scientific Editor

SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences Editorial Office

《中国科学:信息科学》及其英文版《Science China Information Sciences》的宣传平台。