征稿启事 | 6G通感一体化技术专题(英文版)

文摘   科技   2024-08-08 12:04   北京  

SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences
Call for Papers

Special Topic: Integrated Sensing and Communications Techniques for 6G

Science China Information Sciences (SCIS) calls for papers for a Special Topic on integrated sensing, communications, and computing techniques for 6G. As one of the emerging scenarios of 6G, Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC) is expected to provide perception functions for measuring or imaging the surrounding environment, as well as the ability to collect and analyze wireless communication environment data based on wireless networks, for applications such as vehicle networks, environmental monitoring, the Internet of Things, and even digital twins. Therefore, ISAC is considered a fundamental capability for "connecting unconnected". Recently, 3GPP R19 launched standardization research on ISAC, and many universities, research institutions, and enterprises have also released prototypes of ISAC technology, which has further stimulated research to promote the theoretical and practical application of ISCC technology. However, in order to obtain the integration gain and collaborative gain of ISAC technology relative to independent perception systems, such as radar or independent communication systems, there are still many technical challenges in ISAC technology, including network architecture, interference management and spectrum coexistence design, compromise between computing communication perception capability indicators, and implementation of key algorithms. Therefore, this proposed special issue aims to bring together researchers, industry practitioners, and individuals working on related areas to share their new ideas, latest findings, and state-of-the-art results. 
Topics of interest in this special issue include but are not limited to the following:
• Limitations of Information Theory for ISAC

• Channel modeling and measurement for ISAC

• ISAC oriented edge computing/computing offload

• Network architecture/transmission protocol/frame design for ISAC

• Spectral analysis and management for ISAC

• Full duplex/interference management technology for ISAC

• Modulation/waveform/precoding/receiver design for ISAC

• Security and privacy issues for ISAC

• MIMO/large scale MIMO/intelligent reflective surface/holographic MIMO assisted ISCC

• ISAC technology in millimeter wave/terahertz frequency band

• Drone or low altitude economy ISAC

• ISAC for 6G networks such as Internet of Things (IoT)/Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)/Internet of Things (IoE)/Internet of Vehicles (V2X)

• Progress in ISAC standardization

• Short range ISAC technology integrating WiFi/BLE/UWB/Starflash

• ISAC's experimental demonstration, testing platform, and prototype



The papers should be prepared using the SCIS template, and should be submitted online through the manuscript submission system of the SCIENCE CHINA Information SciencesThe submission website:

You should choose Special Topic: Integrated Sensing and Communications Techniques for 6G. Information and guidelines on preparation of manuscripts are available on the journal website: http://scis.scichina.com.

Important Dates

Manuscript submission deadline: Oct. 31, 2024
Acceptance notification: Jan. 15, 2025
Final manuscripts due: Feb. 15, 2025
Publication: TBD (May 2025)

Guest Editors

Gang WU, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

Qimei CUI, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

Fan LIU, Southern University of Science and Technology, China

Guangyi LIU, China Mobile Research Institute, China

Hong REN, Southeast University, China

Yong ZENG, Southeast University, China

Christos MASOUROS, University College London, UK


Haiyan YANG, Scientific Editor

SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences Editorial Office

《中国科学:信息科学》及其英文版《Science China Information Sciences》的宣传平台。