【独家 高质】
小兔子每次跑过草地都像在开派对,耳朵一抖一抖的,好像在说:“全场闪耀,我来了!”Every time a bunny hops across the grass, ears bouncing, it looks like it's saying, “Make way, the star has arrived!”
每次看到小仓鼠疯狂储存食物,我都想:“伙计,你是在准备一场长达一周的盛宴吗?”Every time I see a hamster stuffing food into its cheeks, I think, “Buddy, are you prepping for a week-long feast?”
小猫打瞌睡的时候,那小爪子还会动一动,仿佛在梦里当勇敢的“抓老鼠战士”!When a kitten snoozes, its tiny paws twitch like it’s dreaming of being a brave “mouse warrior”!
小狗子趴在地上装无辜,一副“我什么坏事都没做”的样子,但尾巴却摇得像电风扇。The puppy lies there looking innocent, as if to say, “I didn’t do anything wrong,” while its tail wags like a fan.
每次看到小浣熊把手伸进水里洗东西,都感觉它是在演“动物版洗手液广告”。Every time I see a raccoon washing something in water, it looks like it’s starring in an “animal hand sanitizer commercial.”
小刺猬蜷缩成一团,每次人想靠近,它都一副“我可是超级防御系统”的样子。The hedgehog curls up whenever anyone gets close, as if to say, “I am a high-tech defense system!”
小狐狸打滚玩耍的时候,眼睛闪闪发光,就像在心里说:“我是丛林里最可爱的冒险家!”When a fox rolls around playfully, its eyes sparkle, like it's thinking, “I’m the cutest adventurer in the forest!”
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