
乐活   2024-11-01 00:00   云南  

【独家 高质】




心中一片旷野,风与光自由游弋,而外界的边界却如钢锁般将身躯紧锁,每一次深呼吸仿佛都在撕裂平衡。Inside lies an open plain where wind and light roam freely, yet the boundaries outside press like steel chains; each breath feels like a tear in the fragile balance.

倘若灵魂如流星般划过夜空,那么这具身体便是阻挡它飞向宇宙的枷锁,无法触及那无限的寂静。If the soul were like a shooting star across the night sky, this body would be the chains keeping it from the vast silence of the cosmos.

每一条向往自由的心绪,如同海潮冲击着礁石,而现实的坚壁却丝毫不让步,留下的是不尽的渴望。Every yearning for freedom crashes like tides against a reef, yet reality’s unyielding walls stand firm, leaving only unending longing.

思维的广阔如同无垠的沙漠,而日常生活却是那炙热的阳光,将所有的愿望灼烧成朦胧的海市蜃楼。The mind stretches vast as a desert, but daily life is a scorching sun, burning every wish into hazy mirages.

梦境里曾无数次奔向那片深林,但清醒时的步伐却始终拘泥在原地,只剩遥不可及的回响。In dreams, I’ve run countless times into deep forests, but in wakefulness, my steps remain bound in place, leaving only distant echoes.

灵魂可以无惧地攀越山巅,但现实的栅栏却似乎更高,每一次逃离的念头都被迫折返,带着不甘回归原位。The soul can scale mountaintops without fear, yet reality’s fences seem even higher; every thought of escape is forced to retreat, returning with reluctance.

或许灵魂已飞向远方,而肉体只是滞留的回音,反复被现实唤回,不得不栖息于熟悉的孤独中。Perhaps the soul has flown afar, and the body is merely an echo, repeatedly called back by reality, forced to reside in familiar solitude.


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