
乐活   壁纸头像   2024-10-27 00:01   云南  




传说中有些幽灵会选择住在图书馆里,因为那里静谧且书香满溢。Some ghosts are said to choose to live in libraries, enjoying the peaceful quiet and the scent of book

小幽灵们常常会在下雪天跳出窗外,看着飘落的雪花轻轻穿过自己。Little ghosts often like to jump out the window on snowy days, watching snowflakes gently drift through them.

有些幽灵据说特别爱打盹,时不时会在旧沙发上打着哈欠入睡。Some ghosts are said to be quite fond of napping, sometimes dozing off on an old couch with little ghostly yawns.

幽灵们非常喜欢月亮,夜深人静时会偷偷跑到山顶欣赏月色。Ghosts love the moon and will sneak to mountaintops at night to admire its gentle glow.

传说里的小幽灵会捡落叶做成帽子,这样能在秋风中“隐身”。Legend has it that little ghosts collect fallen leaves to make hats that help them "blend in" with the autumn wind.

小幽灵们偶尔会聚在一起,演奏风琴曲,夜晚便传来轻轻的音乐声。Tiny ghosts sometimes gather to play the organ, letting soft music float through the quiet night.

小幽灵特别喜欢猫咪,因为猫可以看到它们,还会跟它们玩捉迷藏。Little ghosts adore cats, as cats can see them and even play hide-and-seek with them.

听说,喜欢甜食的幽灵们会偷偷跑到糖果店,用糖果堆成小小的塔。Sweet-toothed ghosts are said to sneak into candy shops, stacking candies into tiny, ghostly towers.


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