【独家 高质】
小恶魔们其实非常喜欢糖果,特别是酸酸甜甜的柠檬糖。Little devils have a real sweet tooth, especially for tangy lemon candies.
有些小恶魔喜欢偷换人们的袜子,然后躲在一旁看人们找不到成对的袜子。Some little devils love swapping socks around, then watching people struggle to find matching pairs.
小恶魔们的尾巴会随着情绪扭来扭去,据说一高兴就会像小弹簧一样弹跳。Their tails twist and bounce with their moods; rumor has it that when they’re happy, they spring around like tiny coils.
虽然是恶魔,但小恶魔们特别怕冷,冬天喜欢裹着超大的毛毯。Despite being devils, little demons hate the cold and love wrapping up in oversized blankets in winter.
小恶魔们热衷于给花园里的蘑菇涂上五彩的颜色,说这是它们的艺术创作。Little devils are passionate about painting mushrooms in bright colors, calling it their “artistic masterpieces.”
传说,小恶魔最怕小狗,因为狗狗总会追着它们到处跑。Legend has it that little devils are terrified of puppies, who can’t resist chasing them around.
有些小恶魔会偷偷跑到镜子前练习鬼脸,想着吓人时更有威力。Some little devils sneak to mirrors to practice funny faces, hoping to look scarier for a good laugh.
小恶魔喜欢收集钥匙,但它们并不会开锁,只是单纯觉得钥匙很酷。Little devils love collecting keys, not to open anything—they just think keys look cool.
有些小恶魔每天都要用尾巴练字,尾巴摇来摇去写出它们的名字。Some little devils practice writing their names daily, using their tails to trace letters.
小恶魔们会将小石头摆成不同的形状,称之为它们的“迷你恶魔结界”。Little devils arrange pebbles in various shapes, calling them their “mini devil barriers.”
小恶魔们的耳朵会翘来翘去,据说越高兴耳朵翘得越高。Their ears twitch constantly, and the happier they are, the higher their ears stand.
有些小恶魔喜欢在云朵上打滚,据说这样可以让自己更加轻盈。Some little devils roll around on clouds, thinking it will make them feel lighter.
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