【独家 高质】
每次早上我把闹钟拨到闹钟后,我都觉得自己是“睡眠冠军”,但当我起床时,我发现奖杯只是一堆枕头和毯子。Every time I snooze my alarm in the morning, I feel like the “champion of sleeping,” but when I get up, I realize the trophy is just a mountain of pillows and blankets.
午饭后,我觉得自己就像一部充满电的手机,重新充满活力。但五分钟后,我切换到“低电量”模式。After lunch, I feel like a fully charged phone, all re-energized. But five minutes later, I switch to “low battery” mode.
每次我决定开始节食,我的冰箱就会神奇地装满两盒巧克力和一瓶冰淇淋。就像冰箱知道我的情绪变化一样Every time I decide to start dieting, my fridge somehow magically fills up with two boxes of chocolate and a bottle of ice cream. It’s like the fridge knows my mood changes.
当我看到我的手机电量不足时,我立即拿出充电器。这感觉就像紧急救生时刻。When I see my phone battery running low, I immediately pull out the charger. It feels like an emergency life-saving moment.
每次买新衣服的时候,我都会站在镜子前转一圈,然后告诉自己:“今天是我走红毯的日子!””Every time I buy new clothes, I stand in front of the mirror, do a little twirl, and tell myself, “Today is the day I’m walking the red carpet!”
我的植物每天都抗议,因为我总是忘记给它们浇水。然而,它们仍在不断增长,就像坚持不懈的小“战士”。My plants protest every day because I always forget to water them. Yet they keep growing, like tiny “warriors” holding out.
我早上定了五个闹钟,但当最后一个闹钟响的时候,我意识到我根本没打算起床。I set five alarms in the morning, but when the last one goes off, I realize I never actually planned on getting up.
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