
文摘   2024-11-25 14:17   法国  


Developing cost-effective monitoring protocols for track-surveys: An empirical assessment using a Canada lynx Lynx canadensis dataset spanning 16 years

Repeated burning undermines the value of regenerating cattle pastures for tropical forest birds

Overlooked sexual segregation of habitats exposes female migratory landbirds to threats

Long-term drivers of persistence and colonization dynamics in spatially structured amphibian populations

Optimal sampling design for spatial capture-recapture

Modeling spatiotemporal abundance and movement dynamics using an integrated spatial capture-recapture movement model

Assessing the effect of density on population growth when modeling individual encounter data

Using machine learning to model nontraditional spatial dependence in occupancy data

What can occupancy models gain from time-to-detection data?

Model selection in occupancy models: Inference versus prediction.

Identifying occupancy model inadequacies: can residuals separately assess detection and presence?

Integrating distance sampling and presence-only data to estimate species abundance

Next-generation serology: integrating cross-sectional and capture-recapture approaches to infer disease dynamics

Analyzing community structure subject to incomplete sampling: hierarchical community model vs. canonical ordinations

Occupancy data improves parameter precision in spatial capture-recapture models

Estimability of migration survival rates from integrated breeding and winter capture-recapture data

Zero-inflated count distributions for capture-mark-reencounter data

Multi-surveyor capture-mark-recapture as a powerful tool for butterfly population monitoring in the pre-imaginal stage

Spatial capture-recapture with multiple noninvasive marks: An application to camera-trapping data of the European wildcat (Felis silvestris) using R package multimark

An assessment of sampling designs using SCR analyses to estimate abundance of boreal caribou

Bayesian model selection for spatial capture-recapture models

Inferring predator-prey interactions from camera traps: A Bayesian co-abundance modeling approach

Abundance of montane salamanders over an elevational gradient

Demographic responses to climate change in a threatened Arctic species

Influence of damming on anuran species richness in riparian areas: A test of the serial discontinuity concept

Hierarchical distance sampling to estimate population sizes of common lizards across a desert ecoregion

How do terrestrial wildlife communities respond to small-scale Acacia plantations embedded in harvested tropical forest?

Using visual encounter data to improve capture-recapture abundance estimates

Estimating the survival of unobservable life stages for a declining frog with a complex life history

Removal pattern mitigates negative, short-term effects of stepwise Russian olive eradication on breeding birds

Disentangling effects of invasive species and habitat while accounting for observer error in a long-term amphibian study

Wetland occupancy by duck broods in cropland-dominated landscapes of the United States Prairie Pothole Region

Addressing Temporal Variability in Bird Calling with Design and Estimation: A Northern Bobwhite Example

R2ucare: An r package to perform goodness-of-fit tests for capture-recapture models

Population closure and the bias-precision trade-off in spatial capture-recapture

Estimating recruitment from capture-recapture data by modelling spatio-temporal variation in birth and age-specific survival rates

Misidentification errors in reencounters result in biased estimates of survival probability from CJS models: Evidence and a solution using the robust design

Using partial aggregation in spatial capture recapture

msocc: Fit and analyse computationally efficient multi-scale occupancy models inr

Multispecies site occupancy modelling and study design for spatially replicated environmental DNA metabarcoding

Accounting for uncertainty in duplicate identification and group size judgements in mark-recapture distance sampling

Colonization and extinction rates estimated from temporal dynamics of ecological communities: The island r package

Simulation-based validation of spatial capture-recapture models: A case study using mountain lions

Traditional trapping methods outperform eDNA sampling for introduced semi-aquatic snakes

Combining genetic and demographic monitoring better informs conservation of an endangered urban snake

High carnivore population density highlights the conservation value of industrialised sites

The effects of wildfire severity and pyrodiversity on bat occupancy and diversity in fire-suppressed forests
