讲座题目:Trade Union Decline and the Scientific Management of Macro-Economic Stability
主讲人:Christopher Nyland
Chris Nyland is a professor in the Department of Management of Monash University. His teaching areas include international business regulation, diplomacy and statecraft and the management of market economies. His research spans a number of areas. He has a long term interest in the history and evolution of business and economic ideas. Key areas that he has researched in this regard include the evolution of management thought and practice in the United States in the first half of the twentieth century and how classical political economist have explained the respective status of the sexes. A second research area is globalisation and education. Here he has studied the evolution and regulation of international education markets and the efforts of China's government to develop a workforce that is suited to a knowledge intensive economy.
参加方式:中国人民大学 求是楼 343会议室
主持人:黄伟 中国人民大学劳动人事学院 副教授
编辑:吕卓璘 蔡丽琪 王鸿飞