At the end of the year and the beginning of the year
2023|14mins|万娅鑫 WAN Yaxin
《又到年末岁首时》这部作品记录了“我”同父母返回老家过年的过程,老家的新年风俗独具特色,庄重而温暖。在呈现传统文化如(家谱、上供)等的同时,也反映出出当代人观念的与时俱进。At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, this work records the process of "I" returning to my hometown for the New Year with my parents. The New Year customs in my hometown are unique, solemn and warm. While presenting traditional culture such as genealogy and dedication, it also reflects the contemporary people's concept of keeping pace with the times.播放链接:https://cathayplay.com/at-the-end-of-the-year-and-the-beginning-of-the-year
The memories of taste in spring
2024|43mins|梁小燕 LIANG Xiaoyan
百塘春天的食物味道,从春节开始。供神与供人的差异、“我”与“他”的边界,时间带来的变迁,都在其中。我用 8 年跟踪拍摄百塘的素材,展示现实与回忆的共存,在村民们的口述与记忆之间,生计、节令用食味的形式传承下来。The taste of Baitang spring food starts from the Spring Festival. It carries that the differences between offering to Gods and Men, the boundaries between emic and etic view, and the changes brought about by time. I have spent 8 years filming the villege Baitang. Now knowledge about livelihoods, festivals, etc, are passed down in the form of food tastes, through the villagers' oral narration.播放链接:https://www.cathayplay.com/the-memories-of-taste-in-spring《尼尕的新年》
New Year’s at Niga
2021|18mins|王明洁WANG Mingjie
纪录片《尼尕的新年》,一部来自于中国甘肃省甘南藏族自治州加仓村海拔三千米的藏族新年。在当代社会的生活中淳朴善良的藏民依旧世代放牧生生不息,展现了藏区新农村的生活状态。主人公尼尕和一家人依旧保持着藏区独有的节日传统习俗,在中华民族的大地上描绘着别具一格的藏族风情。在变化的时代中不变的是这里的风土人情。The documentary "New Year in Niga", a Tibetan New Year from Jiacang village, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province, China, at an altitude of 3,000 meters. In the life of contemporary society, the simple and kind Tibetans are still grazing for generations, showing the living conditions of the new rural areas in Tibetan areas. The hero Niga and his family still maintain the unique festival traditions and customs of Tibetan areas, depicting a unique Tibetan style on the land of the Chinese nation. What remains unchanged in changing times is the local customs and practices here.播放链接:https://www.cathayplay.com/new-year-rsquo-s-at-niga《百塘四个春天:百塘跨年》
Springs in Baitang: The Spring Festival in Baitang
2024|63mins|梁小燕 LIANG Xiaoyan
春节是百塘壮族现存最重大的节日,也是外出工作、上学、外嫁的百塘人必须回村的日子。这次,我彷如柳家的“编外女儿”,紧依柳的视角,观察与呈现年青一代百塘人在当今春节中的行为与认知,探讨百塘人对本民族文化细节的关注与取舍,以此展开对“变迁”与“传承”的隐匿式对话。The Spring Festival is the most significant festival for Baitang people. This time, I am like the daughter of the Liu family, closely observing and presenting the behavior and cognition of the younger people from the perspective of Liu. Thus engaging in an implicit dialogue on change and inheritance.播放链接:https://www.cathayplay.com/springs-in-baitang-the-spring-festival-in-baitang《百壶宴》
Hundreds Tin Pots Feast
2021|60mins|鬼叔中 GU Shushing
“百壶宴”是闽西客家人的一项春耕习俗,又称为保苗醮。农历二月二,闽省长汀县昇平村的客家人在村中开阔处摆开长桌,家家户户用锡壶装上新酿的糯米酒,点缀以春花、糕点,祭祀客家保护神三太祖师和五谷真仙,邻里亲朋畅怀开饮,共祝春天,期祷新年五谷丰登、人民安居乐业。"Hundreds Tin Pots Feast" is a folk custom of Hakka people in West Fujian, also known as Protection Rite of Seedlings. On the second day of the second lunar month, Hakka people in the village near Shengping village set up a long table in the open area. Every household used tin pots to pack the rice wine, rice cakes decorated with flowers, to sacrifice to the Three Great Masters who were the Hakka people’s protectors, and the God of Grains. Neighbors and friends enjoyed the wine together, and looked forward to the new year's harvest and the people's happiness."Hundreds Tin Pots Feast" is a folk custom of Hakka people in West Fujian, also known as Protection Rite of Seedlings. On the second day of the second lunar month, Hakka people in the village near Shengping village set up a long table in the open area. Every household used tin pots to pack the rice wine, rice cakes decorated with flowers, to sacrifice to the Three Great Masters who were the Hakka people’s protectors, and the God of Grains. Neighbors and friends enjoyed the wine together, and looked forward to the new year's harvest and the people's happiness.播放链接:https://www.cathayplay.com/zh-CN/hundreds-tin-pots-feast《犁春牛》
Spring Cattle Festival
2020|53mins|鬼叔中 GU Shushing
“犁春牛”是一项春季农业习俗,渊源自古时的“迎春”仪式。新泉村是以张氏为主体的单姓村落,曾是汀江上游重要的水运中转中心。明清时期,新泉张氏藉此积累起丰厚财富,支撑其建立了完整严密、保存至今的宗族制度。“犁春牛”活动的实施与客家人的宗族组织关系密切,而新泉村的发展史也反映出明代以来闽西客家地区“礼仪下乡”的实践过程。This film records this folk custom in 2017. Every year around the Beginning of Spring in the lunar calendar, Zhang clan of Xinquan organizes Spring Cattle Festival in Fang as the unit. The most important night is on the Beginning of Spring. Cattls were decorated and led by villagers who acted as farmers, followed by fishermen, woodcutters and readers. Carp lights, gongs and drums, plaque lights were also in the team. With pine branches and torches, this spring cattle team walked through Xinquan village. When the moment of the Beginning of Spring came, villagers erected bamboo poles with canola flowers tied on the top to welcome the arrival of spring.播放链接:https://cathayplay.com/spring-cattle-festival《闹春田》
Mud Buddha Festival
2020|69mins|鬼叔中 GU Shushing
在福建省长汀县童坊镇举河村,每年正月十三都会举行关圣帝君(协天大帝)巡田活动,当地人习惯称之“甩泥佛”“疯烂泥菩萨”,而官方雅其名曰“闹春田”。举河村为多姓氏杂居共处的客家社区,“闹春田”是以血缘和地缘为双重纽带的地方狂欢节庆。每年的大福首以打破宗族界限的“棚”为单位递年轮值,负责酬神建醮,大宴宾客,其间还伴有船灯、青狮武术、十番、艳舞等娱神娱民活动。各姓氏青壮男子则接力将关帝爷抬至各姓的水田中奔跑嬉闹,这种人神共欢场面由晨至昏,由村头至村尾,分别会在刘、胡、陈王、马、黄、曾诸姓所在六坵田高潮迭起。在过去没有化肥农药的时代,村民用如此方式来减少虫害,并以蓬勃的生命力唤醒春田。In Juh e village, Tongfang town, Changting county, Fujian province, the lord Guan (Xietian the great) visits the fields on the 13th day of the first lunar month. The local people are used to calling it “Mud Buddha” and “Crazy Mud Bodhisattva”, which is officially named “Awaken Springfield ”. Juhe village is a Hakka community where people with multiple surnames are living together. “Awaken Springfield” is a local carnival festival with blood relationship and geography as the double link. Each year, the chief Fushou changes in turn, according to the unit “shed”, which breaks the clan boundaries. The chief fushou is responsible for treating the god, building jiao, feasting guests, which also accompanied by ship lamps, green lion Kongfu, the ten-fold of the opera, sexy dance and other activities, in order to entertainment the god as well as the local. Young men of each surname will relay the lord guan from one water filed to another, and run and play in different water fields which belong to different surnames. This kind of activity that people and god are happy together will last for a whole day, from morning to faint, from one end of the village to another end, and will appear on every surname’s filed, such as Liu, Hu, Chen, Wang, Ma, Huang, Zeng. In the past, when there were no chemical fertilizers and pesticides, villagers used this method to reduce pests and awaken the spring fields with vigorous vitality.播放链接:https://www.cathayplay.com/swinging-mud-buddha《花鼓记》
The Flower-drum Song
2013|8mins|鬼叔中 GU Shushing
骚气逼人的花婆子,富有喜感的先保哥。即便貌似油腻的、浮夸的、艳俗的花鼓艺术,在村野乡间都显得不增不减,如此贴切。The arrogant Hua Pozi, the first-time brother who is full of joy. Even the seemingly greasy, exaggerated, and gaudy drum art seems to be unrelenting in the villages and villages.播放链接:https://www.cathayplay.com/theflower-drumsong《金华龙灯》
Jinhua Dragon Lamp
2024|4mins|陶方滢 TAO Fangying
龙灯起初是由全村人员组成的迎灯大队去祠堂里将龙头接出来,敲锣打鼓的专业人士再按顺序到每一户村民家接上一截板凳,金华的传统特色板凳龙就是这样一节一节组合连成的,绵延数百米,绕着村子走一圈连着一圈。盘龙灯作为收尾便是将整根板凳龙迎到全村最空旷的操场中心开始一圈一圈往里绕,直到龙头在最里面之后再一圈一圈往外盘。Initially, the dragon lantern festival begins with a lantern welcoming team composed of the entire village's residents, who gather at the ancestral temple to retrieve the dragon's head. Then, professional drummers and gong players proceed to each household in the village, connecting a section of bench to the dragon lantern in order. The traditional bench dragon lantern of Jinhua is thus formed by connecting these sections one by one, stretching for hundreds of meters and winding its way around the village, circle after circle. As the climax of the festival, the盘龙灯 (Panlongdeng, literally "coiling dragon lantern") concludes the celebration by bringing the entire bench dragon lantern to the center of the most spacious playground in the village, where it begins to coil inward in circles until the dragon's head is at the innermost point, and then coils outward circle by circle.播放链接:https://www.cathayplay.com/jinhua-dragon-lamp推广|合作|转载 加微信☞zhanglaodong