在创意择优的环境下,肯定会比一般的机构有更多的分歧,但如果走到极端,无休止的争辩和吹毛求疵都会降低创意择优的功效。在桥水,我遇见过一些人,特别是资历尚浅的年轻人,他们错误地以为他们可以随意与任何人进行任何方面的争论。我甚至还遇到一些人集合起来反对创意择优,宣称他们的反对权来自原则。他们误解了我提出的原则,模糊了机构内部的界限。他们必须遵循该机制的规则,因为这提供了解决分歧的路径,但他们不能威胁这个机制。 In an idea meritocracy, there is bound to be more disagreement than in a typical organization, but when it’s taken to an extreme, arguing and nitpicking can undermine the idea meritocracy’s effectiveness. At Bridgewater, I have encountered some people, especially junior people, who mistakenly think they are entitled to argue about whatever they want and with whomever they please. I have even seen people band together to threaten the idea meritocracy, claiming that their right to do so comes from the principles. They misunderstand my principles and the boundaries within the organization. They must abide by the rules of the system, which provide paths for resolving disagreements, and they mustn’t threaten the system.