如果这种想法占了上风,创意择优就会被弱化。别让这种情况发生。如果大家尊重创意择优,就不会有冲突。这一点是基于我几十年的经验。然而,我也知道,总会有人把自己的利益凌驾于创意择优之上,并威胁到这个机制。将这些人视作机制的敌人,清除出公司队伍。 When such arguments win out, the idea meritocracy will be weakened. Don’t let that happen. If people respect the rules of the idea meritocracy, there will be no conflict. I know that from my experiences over decades. However, I also know that there will be people who put what they want above the idea meritocracy and threaten it. Consider those people to be enemies of the system and get rid of them.