
文摘   2025-01-24 20:20   山东  

a.金融科技学院; b.工商管理学院

Research on Complex Networks Based on the Topological Evolution of Industry-University-Research Cooperative Innovation Networks

WU Huia, GU XiaominaZHAO Yuanjunb

a. School of Financial Technology; b. School of Business Administration, Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance
Abstract:This study is devoted to the complex network analysis of China pharmaceutical manufacturing industry-university-research cooperative innovation network, to explore the evolution of the network and the impact of small world on the innovation performance of cooperative innovation network. Firstly, through complex network analysis, this study concludes that China′s pharmaceutical manufacturing industry-university-research cooperative innovation network has scale-free network characteristics, and the openness and communication frequency between the six cohesive subgroups of Shanghai pharmaceutical manufacturing industry are conducive to the formation of innovation and Communication; Secondly, using QAP regression analysis, this paper concludes that the small world has a certain adverse impact on the innovation performance of the Shanghai Industry-University-Research Cooperation Innovation Network. Finally, corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward according to above analysis results.
Keywordscooperative innovation networks of industry-university-research institutionpharmaceutical manufacturing industrycomplex network feature of small-worldtopological evolution




吴慧, 顾晓敏, 赵袁军. 产学研合作创新网络拓扑演化的复杂网络研究[J]. 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 2020, 17(4): 38-47.
WU Hui, GU Xiaomin, ZHAO Yuanjun. Research on Complex Networks Based on the Topological Evolution of Industry-University-Research Cooperative Innovation Networks. Complex Systems and Complexity Science, 2020, 17(4): 38-47.

