摘要: 在经典SIR传染病模型的基础上,根据在线社交网络中谣言传播的特点,将网络谣言的受众用户扩展为无知者、知晓者、信任者、传播者、暂时免疫者和永久免疫者6类。同时考虑到用户会因为不断接触某一相同的谣言而导致对该谣言的信任水平增加的现实情况,引入社会加强正向效应,提出了一个改进的在线社交网络谣言传播模型,并结合复杂网络的相关理论建立了一个考虑聚类系数可变的无标度网络环境进行仿真研究。仿真发现,谣言的传播能力与影响范围会随着社会加强正向效应、用户首次接触并相信谣言的概率、孤立节点密度以及初始传播节点的度的增大而增大,但会随着网络聚类系数的增加而得到抑制。提出的谣言传播模型比较符合真实在线社交网络的谣言传播特性,可以为实践中网络谣言的管控提供一定理论参考。
关键词: 网络谣言;在线社交网络;无标度网络;聚类系数;社会加强正向效应
基金资助:国际(地区)合作与交流项目(71210003);2011年教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”(NCET-11-0519); 教育部博士点基金(20110162110065)
Simulation Research on
Propagation of Rumor in Online Social Network Based on Scale-free Network with Tunable
ClusteringZHU Zhangxiang, LIU
YongmeiBusiness School, Central South University,
ChangshaAbstract: Based on the rumor spreading characteristics of classic infection
model (SIR) on real online social networks, this paper divides the OSN users
into 6 different kinds of people, including the ignorants, the knowns, the believers,
the spreaders, the temporary stiflers and the permanent stiflers. Taking into
account the reality that people enhance their believing level when they contact
with the same rumor constantly, this paper combines the positive effects of social
reinforcement with the theory of complex networks to construct an improved
rumor propagation model on online social network in the scale-free network
environment considering tunable clustering. From numerical simulation results,
the rumor spreading range and ability will increase in the rumor
first-believing probability, the degree of initial spreader nodes, the density
of isolated node and the positive effects of social reinforcement; but on the
contrary, it will be restrained by the increase of cluster coefficient. The
improved rumor propagation model we proposed well fits the rumor spreading
characteristics on real online social network and some theory references will
be applied to manage and control Internet rumors.Keywords: Internet rumors; online social network; scale-free
network;cluster coefficient; positive
effects of social reinforcement作者介绍:
第一作者:朱张祥(1987- ),安徽安庆人,博士,主要研究方向为信息管理与网络舆情。
朱张祥,刘咏梅.在线社交网络谣言传播的仿真研究——基于聚类系数可变的无标度网络环境[J].复杂系统与复杂性科学,2016 ,13 (2):74-82.
ZHU Zhangxiang, LIU Yongmei. Simulation Research on Propagation of Rumor in Online Social Network Based on Scale-free Network with Tunable Clustering[J]. Complex Systems and Complexity Science, 2016 ,13 (2):74-82.↓↓↓全文请点下方阅读原文