
文摘   2024-12-24 20:58   山东  

周荣荣1,2 李志勇郭非非1


1.中国中医科学院中药研究所; 2.山西中医药大学基础医学院; 3.中央民族大学药学院

摘要: 基于网络药理学研究补气中药人参、黄芪的主要活性成分、靶点及作用于心脑疾病的分子机制。通过中药整合药理学平台(TCMIP),筛选出人参和黄芪的成分、靶标信息,进行相关的GO基因功能和KEGG通路富集分析,构建核心靶标网络图和"中药-成分-关键药靶-通路"图。从人参、黄芪药对中筛选得到160个药物间共同靶标,463条药物-疾病核心靶标信息,其中62条共同靶标、131条潜在药物靶标、25条已知疾病靶标,主要涉及在线粒体能量产生、转化及氧化代谢等多条生物学过程信号通路。阐释了人参、黄芪功效及应用的异同点,并从成分-靶点-疾病角度初步揭示了人参、黄芪治疗心脑疾病具有补气功效共同作用机制,为深入研究中药功效的作用机制提供了示范和参考。

关键词: N94网络药理学;人参;黄芪;心脑疾病;机制
基金资助: 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目(2015CB554406); 国家自然科学基金项目(81673700)

On the Network Pharmacology of Ginseng and Astragalus with Tonifying Qi to Prevent and Treatcardio-Cerebral Diseases
ZHOU Rongrong1,2,LI Zhiyong3,GUO Feifei1,XU Haiyu1,TANG Shihuan1
1.Institute of Chinese Materia Medica,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences;
2.School of Basic Medicine, Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine;
3.Pharmacy College of Minzu University of China
Abstract: To study of the main active components, targetsof Ginseng and Astragalusand theirmolecular mechanisms of cardiac or cerebral diseases by networkpharmacology.Based on the Integrative Pharmacology of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCMIP), we have screened the components and target information of Ginseng and Astragalus, and carried out the related GO gene function and KEGG pathway enrichment analysis, andconstructed the core target network diagram and the "Traditional Chinese Medicine-ingredient-key drug target-pathway" network diagram.The 160common target of drugs,463 drug-diseasecore target informationof are screened from Ginseng and Astragalus hebral disease.Among the 463 drug-diseasecore target information, the 62 common targets, 131 potential drug targets and 25 known disease targets are mainly involved in multiple biological processes, such as mitochondrial energy production, transformation and oxidative metabolism. This study explains the similarities and differences of the effect and application onGinseng and Astragalus,which preliminarily revealthe mechanism of combinedaction that Ginseng and Astragalus in the treatment of cardio-cerebral diseases have the effect of Tonifying Qi,and it also provides a demonstration and reference for the in-depth study of the mechanism of the effect of traditional Chinese medicine.
Keywords: network pharmacology; Ginseng; astragalus; cardio-cerebral diseases; mechanism


第一作者: 周荣荣(1990-),河北人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为方剂学配伍规律。
周荣荣, 李志勇, 郭非非, 许海玉, 唐仕欢. 补气药人参、黄芪防治心脑疾病的网络药理学研究[J]. 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 2018, 15(1): 18-23.
ZHOU Rongrong,LI Zhiyong,GUO Feifei,XU Haiyu,TANG Shihuan. On the Network Pharmacology of Ginseng and Astragalus with Tonifying Qi to Prevent and Treatcardio-Cerebral Diseases[J]. Complex Systems and Complexity Science, 2018, 15(1): 18-23.
